C. Daggers, Spears & Poisons

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[A/N] - OMG! We reached 100 chapters! I cannot believe it! This is the longest story I have ever written and I am so excited! Thank you all for liking, following and commenting on it. You are why 100 chapters have been released and more will be written just for you all!

To celebrate 100 chapters, take two updates instead of one.


Guest Chambers, Eyrie - Vale of Arryn, Westeros


Sansa was lying on the bed while her eyes were looking at the rooftop above her head. That had become her usual routine almost every night when she was unable to sleep. Because, just like that night, Littlefinger and her aunt chose to have sex and by the Seven Gods was she a screamer.

She had often tried to cover her head with a pillow or sing to herself but it did not always help. Sometimes, she would close her eyes and try to think she was far away and back to Winterfell.

She was glad to be out of King's Landing, glad to be closer to the North than before but she was still a prisoner; no matter how much Petyr tried to persuade her she wasn't. Seeing the snow planes and being surrounded by animal pelts only made her more nostalgic for her home.

In addition, she was often deep with guilt for what she had done. Tyrion had been nothing but kind to her and tried his best, respected her and did not force her to sleep with her even when his father pressured him to. Now, he was facing trial and most likely death for poisoning Joffrey; when in the end it was Petyr, who had planned it all.

She would not deny that she was partially responsible because it was her hairnet that carried the poison in the first place, even if she did not know about it back then.

Then, there was Trystan. More than once would she look at her door and imagine he would knock with all his manners, his little awkwardness and grace her with his charming smile. He had been, perhaps, the best part of her stay in King's Landing.

She smiled faintly upon remembering how he brought her his handkerchief after the Battle of Blackwater Bay and tried to make a joke of his bloodied appearance. Her smile remained as her thoughts went to their walk in the Gardens. How he had given her that rose flower that was most likely laid forgotten somewhere in her room back in King's landing. She thought of how comfortable she felt, the smiles they shared with one another as they enjoyed the view and each other's company.

Realizing she was not going to find some peace of mind, Sansa kicked off the covers made of animal pelts and walked towards a small chest where few of her belongings existed, those at least she had hidden and managed to smuggle with her during her escape.

She opened the chest and started to look between the fabrics of the clothes until her hands touched something cold. She gently pulled it back and held it under the candlelight, observing the magnificent valyrian steel blade with the black leathered handle.

She held it carefully in her hand, her eyes falling on the inscription on it that was written in a foreign and old language. As she did, she remembered how she obtained that dagger and why.


It was not long after their discussion at Godswood that Sansa and Visenya got up, knowing they had to return rather soon. The sun was slowly setting, time for supper was just around the corner and they could be missing only for that long before someone would grow anxious or suspicious.

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