CXX. A Confession by the Water Gardens

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Old Palace, Sunspear – Dorne – Nightfall


It was early nightfall and Visenya was walking to her chambers, alone. She knew she had promised Tywin to always be escorted but she found it unnecessary. She also wished to be alone with her thoughts and the longer walk to her chambers also helped with her digesting her supper, still not fully used to the spicier cuisine of Dorne.

As she walked the illuminated marbled paved walls, her eyes fell on different portraits that were hanging on the walls. One in particular caught her attention and she came to a halt in front of it.

The portrait was of a woman with white hair and violet eyes, the standard look of a Valyrian Descent and also of a Targaryen. Visenya knew who that person and yet she took a moment to admire the well-done portrait, surprised to see it hung.

The sound of steps made her look towards their source, only to see Oberyn walking her way. Whether he was just passing by or was looking for her, she was not sure but she was not going to question it either.

"Princess" he greeted with his usual toothy charming smile. "I was told you had already returned to your chambers," he said, coming closer to her until he stopped by her side.

"I was heading there but stopped for a moment to enjoy the portrait," she said, her head faintly mentioning the drawing of the Targaryen woman hanging by the wall.

Oberyn's dark eyes moved from her to the portrait, his lips hiding his teeth but his smile remained. "Ah, yes, Princess Daenerys. I remember my brother telling me the story about her" he said and his smile turned into a smirk as something popped into his mind, "You know, princess that could be us. We could be the next Daenerys and Maron if you had not changed my mother's mind"

Visenya thought about it for a moment and ironically, that would be the case. The third-born daughter, a princess, who would never get the throne, married the second-born dormice prince.

It sounded ironic, just how similar their cases were to that of their ancestors.

Maron was Oberyn's ancestor and Daenerys' was hers. They could have repeated history and created such a union and if Rhaegar had also married Elia; then that would be the exact case of Daeron II & Myriah.

Would that have made Tywin the Daemon Blackfyre in this story? She wondered mentally.

"If we were, would you follow his example and build another water garden like he did for her?" she asked with a small smile of amusement on her lips.

His smile dropped and he fully turned his body to face her, his face serious. "I would and far more, if you had given me the chance"

Visenya turned her body to fully face him as well, barely half a foot separating them as they looked into each other's eyes. She could see the seriousness behind it and perhaps once upon a time, he truly would but she knew she would never survive at Dorne.

It was not her calling, it was not in her nature and neither was in his to be faithful and private with his feelings or his sexual preferences.

Her own smile had disappeared. "The chance is gone now. It's been 25 years from which the 20 of them I have been happily married" she reminded him, emphasizing the fact that she was fine with the man she was wed to and she was not a damsel in distress for him to save her; even though in his mind he truly doubted it.

There was something about Dornish Princes that made them go after strong warrior women, evidenced by how Mors Martell desired, chased after and eventually married the Warrior Queen Nymeria; creating the powerful Nymeros Martell house that everyone knew.

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