CXXXVI. Clearing a Major Misunderstanding

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Guest Chambers of Trystan, West Wing – Winterfell, The North – The Next Day


It was the following day since Visenya arrived that the Lion cubs chose to meet, all in one room. After the event with the confession about the Red Wedding and Tywin's reaction, Tyrion had chosen to draw the line there.

The day prior, he had approached his siblings and tried to make them see but they were rather against the whole idea that their Father was truly abusive, including with his own wife. For they had seen moments that Tyrion had not, since he was in exile.

So, the dwarf chose to show them by confronting the woman in person. He would show his brothers that there was more in this relationship of their parents than they thought; a darker side that they were all ignorant about.

"I still do not see why it had to be my chambers" Trystan questioned as the three brothers were in the room.

Tyrion had made himself comfortable on an armchair, wishing that his younger brother had wine in his room but alas they were not in King's landing. Jaime was standing close to the bed while the younger of the Lion brothers sat by the edge of his bed.

"Because she has a soft spot for you, obviously" Tyrion commented, rolling his eyes at the ignorance and naive side of his brother. "The moment you tell her you need to talk something personal, she will rush to hear you...and Father won't suspect anything"

"Still" the Half-Lion argued but before he could say something else, there was a knock on the door before the woman of the hour entered.

She was not sure what Trystan wished to speak with her about but she was always willing to listen to all of her sons, even Tyrion; despite everything that had taken place between them. However, she did not expect to find all three of her sons present.

"I didn't realize this was a pride meeting" she pointed out, one eyebrow arched up as the door closed behind her.

The lion brothers stood up and took a few steps towards her while she met them halfway. They exchanged a look, trying to see who would be the one to go first. In the end, it was the youngest Lion.

"Mother, how are you?" he asked, earning a facepalm from the shortest of the three.

Visenya tilted her head faintly to one side, not failing to see the passive glances they sent one another and the very vague, but also random, question coming from her youngest son.

She suspected that there was something more that they wished to address but did not wish to do so directly, something that was common; at least with Trystan and Jaime. Tyrion did not care and sometimes he would go straight to the chase.

Yet, she chose to go with the flow and see where this would lead.

"The usual, as you can see. Why is it that you ask?"

The Half-Lion cleared his throat and sent a look at Jaime, urging him to do something. Your turn.

"How is your arm, mother?" Jaime asked next, eyes going to her left arm that had the bruise.

Of course, due to the winter months, Visenya wore long-sleeved clothes now and far thicker ones. Thus, barely anything from her skin was visible other than her face and slightly the neck.

She did not truly feel the cold but she chose to wear descent enough, so as not to draw too much attention to herself.

Visenya glanced at it, slowly realizing where this was leading. "Good. Why?"

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