LXVI. The Queen of Thorns

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Just as it was expected, the famous Queen of Thorns had arrived in King's Landing along with the carriages filled with provisions, straight from the Reach. The Old woman with that sharp tongue had been greeted by her granddaughter and grandson but no one truly from the royal family.

Cersei had refused to do so, Joffrey had already left for the hunt with Trystan as his escort and some other guards and Tywin was simply too busy holding a small council meeting. Tommen was held back by his mother, occupied with his studies.

Visenya had watched the interaction from afar, using the view from one of the higher towers to observe but never approached. Olenna was not of some great importance to require a formal welcoming and the Dragoness knew eventually those two would meet.

Indeed, a few hours later her predictions came true.

She had spent most of her time in the Study of the Hand with Tywin, discussing and looking over some reports while thinking about how to properly manage all those new provisions. The war was still raging, Robb Stark still had Jaime and the people were starving.

Half-way through a small but heated argument on the fact, something that was common when they shared different views on a subject, a servant had visited them; a formal invite from the Queen of Thorns for the Wife of the Hand.

"She already suspected I would be here" Visenya had pointed out after the servant left.

"As much as I dislike her, I will admit she is a cunning woman. She is from the few that must have an idea of our habit of discussing matters of the realm" Tywin said, eyes scanning from the letter at her.

His wife scoffed faintly. "The Realm has forgotten but not her. It definitely gives a good first impression" she said and soon after Tywin dismissed her and allowed her to go.


Olenna's Solar, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – The next day, early evening


Visenya had worn the same dress as the day prior, only that this one was a far darker shade of red like dried old blood and had more golden accessories. The marks left by Tywin were fading rather quickly but she was not going to take any risks and allow gossip to spread.

Upon reaching the Solar, a servant made her presence known.

"Lady Visenya Lannister" the young boy had said, earning the attention of the older woman; who was busy enjoying a few grapes.

Olenna looked at the servant. "It's Lady Visenya Lannister nee Targaryen you fool. Show some respect to her. The 7 know she must have gotten tired of being called a Lion all those years"

The words of the Old Rose amused the Dragoness, who did not say much for the moment. She moved into the room as the servant quickly left, his head bowed and his tail between his legs.

"I would not say I have gotten tired but I will also not say people have forgotten from which family I come from" she said as Olenna stood up to greet her, an equally amused smile on her lips.

The Old Queen of Thorns knew that the Dragoness had a tongue, one she could not wait to truly see in action. It was not every day a woman like her existed, let alone knew how to siege and control power through their husbands.

"With your looks, only a fool would not remember but yet again; the world is filled with men" she said and motioned for the younger woman to sit down.

"I see the Queen of Thorns is a fitting title after all" Visenya pointed out as she sat on the cushion of the chair. "Your fame precedes you Lady Olenna"

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