LXXXI. The Last of the Lions Returns

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301 AC – Red Keep, King's Landing, CrownLands – Seat of Power: Joffrey I Baratheon/Lannister


After days of travelling, Jaime at last saw the familiar outer walls of King's Landing. It felt like a fever dream to him, after all he had been through. He was happy to be back but also hesitant, for his family to see him in this condition; dirty, skinnier and with one hand missing.

When he looked himself in the reflective surfaces of water bodies on their way to the Capital, he barely recognised himself. His hair had grown longer and he had obtained a beard while his clothes were those of common folk, second-hand and overused.

Soldiers by the Gate recognised him after they heard him and soon they were allowed to the Red Keep. The common folk did not seem to recognise him, which he was thankful for but he could hear them commenting on the latest news and mostly how much they hated Joffrey.

At last, he passed the Gate of the Red Keep and his eyes fell on the familiar building he had called his home for many years. A few steps towards it and they came to a halt when the doors were pushed open and a familiar figure walked their way.

White hair was matching the shade of the Northern snow and striking amber eyes that seemed mystical were the first thing one would notice. Her red dress was adorned with Golden Decorations and the figures of Lions as the Dragoness walked towards them. Her back was straight, her hair braided into a half-up do while 2 Lannister soldiers were trailing behind her.

"Jaime" she exclaimed with a look of surprise and relief upon seeing him, her steps remaining elegant while her pace quickened.

Jaime came to a halt a few steps in front of his travelling companions, suddenly feeling guilty and frightened. It has been more than a year since they had last seen one another, more than a year since he made the mistake that ended up with him as a prisoner of Robb Stark.

He felt ashamed for the condition he was returning, his one hand held by a shoulder sling with the part of the wrist and below missing; his other limb hanging by his side. He glanced to the ground, wondering what she would think of him.

He was not the mighty and proud Lion she knew him, he was not even a complete man upon his return. Would she curse him for getting captured and prolonging the war? Would she look at him with disgust upon seeing his condition?

He was not sure but he expected the worst. Yet, he had to greet her because at the end of the day; he had missed her. "Good-mother," he said as she came to a halt in front of him.

However, before he could say anything else; she hugged him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and shoulder respectively, pulling him closer for a tight motherly hug as she rested her chin on his shoulder; eyes closed.

"Thank the Valyrian Gods that you are back" she expressed, not caring for any formalities or people watching.

She had spent days on end worrying about Jaime, thinking about where he was and what he was going through. She barely saw any dreams about him and that worried her but she never let it show.

Her own spies had no clue of where he was and even Varys did not seem to know either. She had been concerned and actually prayed a few nights to the 14 Gods of Old Valyria to keep him safe.

Jaime was surprised by the hug but he quickly returned the action, using his good hand to pull her even closer. His chin and head rested on her shoulder, his own eyes closing as all the tension in his body started to leave.

By the Seven he had missed her; he had missed her so much. He was so worried about what he would think of her upon seeing him that he had forgotten how much she truly cared for him in the end.

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