LXXVIII. A Walk Around King's Landing, part 2

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[A/N] - I know I said I would update only one but I did feel guilty due to how short the previous one is, so...here is part two for all of you <3


Once Doroh was done and the mood of Sansa had also improved, Visenya took her through the Street of Flour to get some baked goods and then eventually they followed the River Row.

They passed through fish markets and other ship-related merchants before the walk eventually led them to the Port. Their guard remained further behind, holding their horses while they had the chance to sit by a bench close to the pier and look ahead at the blue waters of Blackwater Bay.

The mood between them was good and the young Stark girl seemed to be slightly more relaxed around the Dragoness. The chance to be normal, enjoy the shops and just breathe some air of freedom was something that the wolf needed for a long time now.

"I have never been to Winterfell before," Visenya said, earning the girl's attention. "I have heard a lot of things about it and I always wished to visit it. Alas, no Dragon truly ever went that North" she joked.

Sansa could not help but smile upon remembering her home. "I think you would like it there, my Lady. It can be really beautiful, especially when winter comes and there is white snow everywhere. It has its own beauty, so different from the West" she explained and let a small sigh. "I remember as a child and even until now...I used to wish to just get away from there but now...I miss it"

Visenya's eyes softened as Sansa looked forward again, fingers playing with the hem of her dress. "I used to be the same, like you" she confessed, also looking forward. "All I wanted was to leave King's Landing and explore the world. I did eventually find my true home in Casterly Rock, surprisingly"

"Casterly Rock?" Sansa repeated, looking at her.

The Dragoness nodded. "One eventually comes to realize that true home is not where you are born or raised. It is where you are loved and just have this feeling that you truly belong there"

The young Stark did not say anything else but nodded, understanding what the older woman was saying. It was a place where you had family and Sansa felt that, which was why she truly missed Winterfell that much.

Because in the capital, she did not feel loved and she certainly did not belong. She stole glances at Visenya, seeing her sitting with her back straight and her eyes locked at the sea ahead.

There was this relatable honesty in her words and it made Sansa curious, upon she expressed how she felt at home at Casterly Rock. That place was where the Lannister family was from, their original home and castle.

Considering that the Dragoness had a purely politically related marriage and the strict, dangerous man she married, Sansa was surprised to hear that in the end, she felt more at home elsewhere and not where she grew up; let alone talking about being loved.

However, she remembered that King's Landing had stopped being her home ever since Robert took the throne. Her family had all been killed, so it made sense that the city was just a place of bitter memories for her.

She actually felt bad for the older woman, who was nothing like her stories or at least; in private. She was nothing like the Lannisters and Sansa could see now where Trystan got his character from.

She looked forward again and noticed a ship sailing away from the port. She remembered the game she used to play, the one she tried to play with Shae but the maid was not really interested.

"What is it?" Visenya asked, noticing the small smile upon the girl's lips.

"It's nothing, My Lady...just a game I used to play..." Sansa confessed.

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