CXVII. Plotting Dances & Preparing Dornish Trips

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The Hand's Study, Tower of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, Crownlands - Night


Visenya and Tywin had been pretty much locked into his study for a few hours now, barely seeing anyone or eating much. At first, they had started to deal with the usual matters of the realm but eventually, two different ravens reached them.

The news they carried was far from present and was concerning enough, that the powerful couple did not directly bring them to the attention of the King or the Small Council. Both ravens had come from acquaintances of Visenya in Essos; both messages were bad news in their minds.

The first spoke of the return of Daenerys, after she had been considered 'lost' or 'missing' for a couple of weeks. Now, though, she had returned and brought with her a huge army of Dothraki; increasing the numbers of her army significantly.

The other letter spoke of a person that many knew as young Griff. The boy claimed to be Aegon, Elia's son and the rightful heir to the throne. Now, those was some news the two of them knew had to keep silent.

The Dragoness passed both hands over her face and through her loose white hair, having been silent for about 15 minutes while trying to process everything. "How is it possible? The baby was dead, you told me so yourself" She let out a sigh and looked at her husband.

Tywin seemed to be rather uneasy by the news, evident by how often he spun his ring around his index finger. His eyes were cast on the desk separating them, where the two letters were placed.

Hearing her talk after spending so much time in silence, made him advert his attention fully on her. "I did. Whoever this...boy is, is nothing but an imposter."

"I truly hope so because if baby Aegon was somehow switched before your mad dog got to him...I don't even want to think the troubles it will cause us" Visenya said, voicing out her thoughts.

As if he was reading her mind, he connected the dots on the mental question she seemed to have. "You think Varys had something to do with this?" he asked her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Mayhap. I wouldn't be surprised but the fact remains the same..."

"Whoever this boy is, we cannot let the word spread. We risk losing a lot of allies, your lords and the Dornish included" he finished for her, leaning back and a little bit more on the right as he sat on his chair.

Visenya nodded, trying not to think too much about such a bad future scenario. She passed her hand once again through her white hair, something she did when she was frustrated and generally troubled by things.

"I do not understand one thing, though" she confessed, earning once again his full attention. "Why hasn't the boy already come to Westeros? Why remain hidden? With the war, it would be the perfect opportunity for him" she said, voicing out her thoughts as if somehow an answer would be given. "Unless..." her eyes opened wider, and realization seemed to strike her faster than lightning would hit the open sea during a very bad storm.

"Unless what?" Tywin asked, arching one eyebrow in curiosity.

She shook her head faintly, gathering her thoughts. Her lips parted but she took a moment longer to reply. "Unless he is planning to wed himself to Daenerys first. If he marries her, their claim would be undeniable." She pointed out, looking into his eyes. "Think of it. Her army and her dragons, combined with his claim to the Throne. Both would rule and half of Westeros would bend the knee to them the moment those two showed up" She moved her hands faintly, trying to emphasize her point; something she did when a subject either frustrated or worried her and she needed somehow to release all that tension in order to keep her voice calm.

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