CXXXV. Reunion of the Wolf, the Dragon & the Lion

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Open Wall Bridge, Eastern Wall – Winterfell, The North – Around the Same Time as Visenya Reunites with Ser Barristan


After Tywin had talked with Kevan, he let him go check on the soldiers and he would eventually join him as well. It was crucial to ensure none of their soldiers misbehaved, which one should expect considering the bad blood existing between all those houses.

He walked along the open bridge that connected the Eastern and Southern Wall. He was almost above the East Gate and he could see the King's road up ahead. His soldiers had all made camp around it, the red banners with the golden lion and the red tents were standing out against the pure white and deserted landscape.

He wore a sort of cloak with fur around his shoulders, not accustomed to the cold weather. He had inspected silently some parts of the old Northern Castle but he still found its beauty rather dull, especially when compared with the beauty of Casterly Rock.

He had his hands behind his back as he came to a halt, eyes scanning the hundreds of war tents while his mind was constantly thinking. He did not enjoy being in a foreign territory, surrounded by so many enemies; even though they had all agreed to this 'truce', for the time being.

He could not wait for this Great War to take place and then they could return to King's landing, far away from the Northern wasteland and the savage Lords that thrived in it. Of course, a part of him expected their biggest enemy; Daenerys, to get harmed or lose her manpower and thus no longer become such a big threat to them.

His focus shifted as he had the sudden feeling that he was no longer alone on that isolated part of the bridge. Golden-flecked green eyes moved to the left, taking notice of a familiar face dressed in black clothing and standing a few feet away.

He had taken notice of the familiar face amongst the crowd and it did not take him long to connect the dots. He, of course, had made no move to approach for eventually they would come to him; as he had expected.

"House Dustin, hmm?" he finally asked, although his question was more rhetoric.

Arya did not smile nor did she seem to react to his cold words or his intimidating presence. Even back at Harrenhal, he never truly intimidated her like he did with others. Now, after all she knew she was capable of; she felt absolutely nothing.

"Your Lady Wife advised me to lie on a house I knew. So I did" she answered, hands behind her back as well but her attention fully forward.

He scoffed faintly. "And you rose up to the challenge rather quickly"

If she wanted to smirk at his passive compliment, she didn't show it. "You told me I am too smart for my own good" she replied, not hesitating to be more informal with him; even going as far as to faintly challenge him.

Tywin turned his head slightly, his eyes locked on the form of the young Dire Wolf. She had grown taller since the time at Harrenhal; she had matured and had become even more serious. No longer was she the scared girl that was his cupbearer.

His gaze was sharp, challenging her not to chase her luck but he did not openly make any move against her. He had indeed said those words, and he was not going to make a fool out of himself by trying to deny them.

"At least you remembered...which is more than I can say for some" he commented, looking ahead again as he was passively hinting to his sons.

Silence existed between them for a few moments, none saying a word as they stood there; both dressed in black. Their backs were straight, their gazes looked forward and if Arya's colours were different; one could have easily mistaken some sort of family relation between them.

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