CX. The Reach

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[A/N] - So, we are entering the first official AU arc of mine. There are 4 Arc in general before the book is finished:

1) The Reach

2) Faith Militant in KL

3) Dorne

4) Long Night

That means there will be more fillers and chances for characters to interact, bond and meet. Note that it is important and slowly will help build for the big events that come with the Long Night. Some arcs will be a few chapters, some might be longer but I hope all of them will be worthy in your eyes.


The Reach, Westeros


It has been almost a fortnight since the wedding between the Lion and the Rose, and now it was time for the second one. As it had been arranged, Cersei would marry Loras; much to the dismay of both.

With only a few days before the wedding, the future bride had to be moved to her new home at The Reach. With her went Trystan and Visenya along with some loyal Lannister soldiers. Due to the long trip that would take around 20 days, not everyone could attend.

Tommen and Margaery would join them but Olenna had to remain back, her position too important to be missing for more than a full moon rotation. She still had to earn the trust of all of Varys' spies but surprisingly, Qyburn was willing to help her and the two of them made an odd but effective pair.

With the King gone, it was up to Tywin to take over with the small Council. He had also ordered Jaime to remain back and take Lord Mace's place in the small council as well, while the majority of the Kingsguard would have left with the royal couple.

The trip was long and Cersei was riding in the royal carriage along with her son and her good-daughter, trying her hardest not to snarl at the couple. She was in a bad mood ever since they left King's Landing and everyone could see it.

Margaery, on the other hand, was very happy to return home and spent her time talking to Tommen and Visenya about the places they would visit and what was worth seeing there.

Visenya, Trystan and Loras had all chosen to go on horseback and simply ride next to the carriage; allowing the young Rose to talk to them through the window. Lord Mace rode his own horse, only to prove to the others that he was a worthy Lord. One could see that he was not enjoying it but said nothing as he led the group from the very front. At least he was away from his mother's scolding, and that did help alleviate his mood.

"Are you sure you do not wish to join us, Lady Lannister? We have plenty of space in here" Margaery said, a smile on her lips as she picked through the barred window of the carriage.

She had started to enjoy the presence of the Dragoness and trusted her more with small secrets, much to her grandmother's dismay. She did not see her as a threat anymore, rather than a welcoming new member to her family.

A new member of her family with a lot of power, fame, titles and experience when it came to ruling.

The Dragoness smiled, her black mare easily walking side by side with the horse-drawn carriage. "I am certain, Your Grace. I do find it more comfortable riding on a saddle" she explained.

Her white hair had been braided back and she had exchanged her dresses for more comfortable clothes for the long duration of the trip, which she would spend on top of the saddle. She was used to it, so she did not mind and she always found certain joy in not having constricted or fancy but annoying dresses around her.

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