CXXXVII. Winter Sparing & Silent Spying

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Big Training Ground – Winterfell – The North, Westeros


There was still time until the White Walkers would reach them and everyone had been keeping themselves busy. Already two War councils had taken place but not much progress had been made since the lords could not fully agree on one plan or the other.

Thus, Jon agreed to stop it for the day and try again tomorrow; hopefully with new ideas and more willingness to work with one another. How they would position their armies was crucial for it would make the difference in the battle, as well as how many innocents would perish.

So far, they had only managed to agree on traps, pits and other physical objects that would be used to slow down the undead army; forcing smaller numbers to approach and would be easier to deal with.

After the council was done, Visenya chose to change her clothes to something more practical and train with her two sons. It had been too long since the three of them trained and she wished to test them, to ensure they would be ready for the big battle.

For it was different fighting other men or knights, than fighting undead mindless creatures; in a tough environment. It would also help all of them to get their minds off things, especially her; since she still had not received the best of hospitality from the Northern Lords.

Thankfully, those angry looks had started to be reduced in numbers as either they had gotten tired by the fact that she paid them no mind or slowly started to grow bored and tried to find something else to occupy themselves.

Visenya wore her training but also riding gear, one she had obtained the past few years and had favoured during the War of the Five Kings. It was not armour but it was not a dress that could easily get in the way.

She had the usual black pants and her knee-length boots that she wore almost daily but it was the top that was different

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She had the usual black pants and her knee-length boots that she wore almost daily but it was the top that was different. She had a black, long-sleeved and high turtle neck tunic, above it, she wore a sleeveless bloody red jacket. The buttons were going downwards, starting from her chest and stopping a little above her belly button.

The rest of the jacket was left open to fall by her sides, stopping by the middle of her thighs. She had a brown belt tied around her waist, above the jacket, where her sword was held and both of her thighs had the knife belts with her valyrian daggers.

From the elbow and below, she had a thin armour-like armguard shaped to mimic dragon scales, in black. She also had black gloves to protect her hands from the low temperatures and her hair had been pulled up into a bun.

Unlike her, the boys chose to favour their usual clothes but they had ditched the leather jackets for now; to be able to move freely as they were facing against their mother.

They did their best and this unique combination had drawn a curious crowd, most of whom watched from a distance or the upper levels of the castle.

Visenya had her Valyrian Sword in her left hand and a simple wooden round shield in her right, to be able to fight better against two opponents. Jaime and Trystan had their swords ready and were busy trying to land a hit on her but she was proving to be rather good at blocking them.

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