XXXII. The Union of a Lion & a Stag

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[A/N] - This Pre-Timeline arc is coming to an end. Which means it is voting time!

There are two ways the next arc can start. 1) We follow Trystan as he is now older and he goes with Robert and the Royal Family to the North. There will be a chance to see his character and interactions with the Stark children, especially Sansa (for they might or might not be a future romance between them)


2) We head straight to Tyrion's capture by Catlyn and Tywin's appearance in S01E7, going for small cameos before the true return of the powerful couple in the capital; with Joffrey as King.

Take your time to decide, for I will also need days to focus on my other stories and then of course; download the episodes and do more book research.


284AC - King's Landing, CrownLands - Seat of Power: Robert I Baratheon


After the coronation, Visenya and Tywin had returned to Casterly Rock; both were in a sour mood. However, a change seemed to be coming with favourable wind towards their direction.

Lyanna Stark was dead and Robert needed to marry, for the realm would need Heirs to continue after him.

Tywin had wasted no time to propose his daughter, Cersei, as an eligible bride. After all, she was at the proper age of 8 & 10; still a maiden. She had grown to be a beautiful woman, whose beauty could hardly be compared with her golden locks and bright green eyes.

John Arryn, the new Hand of the King, knew that the Lannisters were extremely powerful and rich. Unlike Aerys, Robert listened to the person he saw as a second father and agreed on the proposal, even though his own heart was still beating for Lyanna.

This is how the Lannister family had all arrived in King's Landing once again, merely half a year since the coronation. Tyrion and Trystan had also joined, as did Kevan while Gerion and Tygett had remained back at Casterly Rock. Genna was feeling unwell and had also remained back, to be looked after by her sons and brothers.

Visenya walked the halls of the Red Keep, no longer feeling as if this was her home. Changes already had taken place, many grand rooms now bearing the Baratheon Sigil and paintings portraying hunting moments.

Once, those halls were part of her home but not anymore. Now, whenever she thought of home she thought of the beauty of Casterly Rock. The marble floors and the smell of the sea as it crashed against the cliff.

She was walking proudly, a red dress matching the shade of the blood she had spilt across the years with basic jewellery bearing similar gems. Tywin had chosen well, making sure that she would represent all the strong and beautiful aspects as the Lady of their House; and she did.

Servants stepped out of the way, some being more familiar to her in faces and some were rather new.

The sound of a woman shouting made her come to a halt in front of Cersei's chambers, hearing her voice as she screamed and cursed at someone. She motioned for her escorting guard to wait outside as she opened the door and entered.

A brush was thrown her way but she moved her head to the side, allowing it to hit the wall at her left instead. The room inside was upside down, clothes and items were thrown to the floor while a maid was slowly cowering away from an enraged Cersei.

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