XXXIII. The Story of the WesterLands

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[A/N] - Okay, this is more of a filler and just a nice little chapter to show Tywin as a father. He might not be the most in touch with his emotions but has his ways of being with his children. (In the books, he sat down with Jaime for hours every day until Jaime could read and speak without stuttering).

Inspired fully (and taken 99% of Tywin's History Lesson) from the video: The WesterLands by Tywin Lannister - Game of Thrones: Histories and Lore (It's an amazing animated video, narrated by Charles Dance himself. I swear I could listen to him reading a school history book and would never get bored or tired of listening)


285 AC - Casterly Rock, WesterLands - Seat of Power: Robert I Baratheon


It had been less than two years since Maester Val made an official examination of Visenya and found out that she could no longer bear children. Ever since that miscarriage and that near-death experience in the birthing bed, something had changed within the Dragoness.

She was often seen as cold or distant, smiling faintly and on rare occasions. She spent a lot of time with Tywin, working on the matters at hand and keeping a tab on what was going on around the world.

The times she would be softer were around Trystan but there were times her strictness would show. Even Tyrion started to see the changes and after the incident with his first wife, Tysa, he had come to realize that Visenya had become more Lion than a Dragon.

Yet, even the mighty Dragoness had moments of weakness that few could see. When her Dragon Dreams showed her the horrors of the future, she would wake up with a heart racing. When Trystan would do well in his training, she would smile in pride and somehow Genna could make her softer with her constant talk and ridiculous schemes she would come up with.

Sometimes, Visenya just softened behind the tall walls of her new home when she would see things that no one else would ever have the chance to.

Like that one day in the early spring when she found herself returning from training. Shooting a dozen arrows and keeping her sword skills sharp had helped her mind find some peace, while she ensured herself and others that she was not a helpless woman like many around her.

She came to a halt in front of Tywin's study room, peeking through the half-open door. Her husband was sitting at his desk with a 5-year-old Trystan on his lap. In front of them was a map of the WesternLands and the Old Lion of Casterly Rock was busy educating his son and heir, about the story of his house and of the lands he would eventually command when he would become the new Lord of Casterly Rock.

The Dragoness leaned against the door frame and watched in silence, listening to the stable and soothing voice of the man she had ended up harbouring enough feelings to carry his children.

"The WesterLands are all bounded by three natural defences, mountain, sea and forest. Necessary barriers when the land is as rich as ours. From our mines come the gold and silver that fuel the rest of Westeros" he explained, pointing at each natural formation on the map. "Do you know where our mines are located, Trystan?" he quizzed his younger son.

The boy quickly lifted a finger and pointed at the map, precisely where the famous mines were located. "Good. What about Lannisport?"

"Here," Trystan said, pointing at the famous port town.

"Do you know why is such an important part of the WesterLands?" he asked him next.

His son thought for a moment. "Because of the trade," he replied.

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