CXLIV. Dragon Stubbornness & Well-Kept Secrets

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After everyone had been dismissed, many moved to leave. Since the Northerners were closer to the door, they were the first to leave and soon everyone else did. The Pride moved almost in sync but one would be a fool not to catch the silent looks Tywin was giving Visenya, and she was picking them up.

This time, though, Daenerys also took notice. Remembering what happened the last time after they had returned together during Visenya's very first dragon ride, the Mother of Dragons chose to follow them; for she was ready to speak back to her terrifying good-uncle.

Outside the Main Hall, Tywin came to a halt and turned to face Visenya; who had the stone wall blocking her path and being too close to her back. He made no move to grab her for it was not needed because she had long been expecting his argument; ever since he sent her that first look during the War Meeting.

"This is a reckless plan. You never fought from a dragon before and a few times riding one, doesn't make you qualified enough for this plan" he argued, staring her down.

She stubbornly stared back at him. "I never would with how little time we have but it is the only shot we have. Dragons need riders for this complicated battle and I do not see anyone else capable"

"They have one and she seemed to have no trouble when she had three under her command"

"And now she has two, as you saw yourself" she argued, their tone civilised but their looks were challenging. "Where would you want me to be, Tywin? In the tunnels with the rest?"

He tilted his head faintly. "I am clearly debating it right now" he answered her honestly, making her narrow her eyes faintly.

Do not dare, her gaze told him as she craned her head to look up at him.

You are forcing my hand, his stance was saying as none refused to look away from one another for that would mean defeat.

To anyone passing by, this was an odd show for they had not truly seen the couple arguing. Those who knew them were aware that Visenya was rather defiant and could talk back to her husband; although most of the time they both agreed on the same topic.

The Lion Pride was watching them from a few feet away, exchanging looks and wondering who would be the first to snap. Would it be Tywin, who would actually force her to stay with the non-combatant or would be Visenya; who would go behind his back and ride that dragon if he left her with no choice?

"They are wild animals, Visenya" Tywin reminded her. "One wrong move and they will send you straight to your death"

Surprisingly, it was not the Dragoness, who spoke up and argued but someone else.

"They are my children and they are far better than some men I know" Daenerys argued as she made her way towards them.

Her words, her tone and her sudden appearance made many of the Lions to exchange worried looks. That was a big no-no when it came to their Father and she had crossed three different things off the no-no list.

While she did have, technically, every right to interfere; it did not mean she should. Tywin Lannister did not take it kindly upon those who interrupted him, especially when he did not like them in the first place.

Tyrion tried to grab her clothing and somehow stop her but he was too slow, as the young Targaryen walked towards the couple with her chin held high.

"This is a family matter, girl. It does not concern you" Tywin snapped back, glaring at her and not hiding how displeased he was with her presence.

"And she is family, to me" Daenerys argued as she came to a halt, looking up at the cold-hearted old man. "You talk of my children as if you know them but you do not. You talk as if you have seen my aunt ride a dragon but you have not" she continued, throwing verbal fires without a single hint of fear in her violet eyes.

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