CXXIV. Temporary Truce, part 1

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Hand's Study, Tower of the Hand, Red Keep - King's Landing, CrownLands - Afternoon


Visenya and Tywin were working, as per usual. They were busy discussing Qyburn's idea of the Scorpions. He had found the designs and already the best smiths from Lannisport had been summoned to King's Landing to create such a weapon.

However, it was taking time and none of them was truly sure if they had time. This is why provisions had also started to be gathered, rather discretely and big parts of the army had already returned.

One should not mention how many men they had lost in all those battles but they were still enough to fight the foreign invaders if the dragons were to be taken down.

Yet on that particular day, a letter arrived personally for Visenya from Daenerys. In the letter, it was described that a powerful threat from the North was coming their way and would eventually bypass the Wall; which once stood proud but now was barely able to function properly due to a lack of personnel but also resources.

The letter said that they had proof of such a threat and that they wished for a meeting in King's Landing, to show evidence; because this threat required all of Westeros for humanity to come victorious.

The ones signing the letter were not only Daenerys but also John Snow, who had sided with the Dragon; only due to the impending danger coming for all of them.

The letter was read by both Tywin and Visenya, but it was clear that the old lion did not truly believe it.

"This must be a trap. They want us to gather like sheep in one place and take us down" he said, tossing the paper on the desk.

Yet, his Lady Wife did not seem to share his opinion. "I don't think so" she disagreed. "I think they are being honest and they truly have something to show us"

"It is too dangerous, too risky"

"Then let us not allow an army inside. Let only their chosen representatives come, like when a truce is discussed between two hosts" she suggested.

He thought about it for a minute, a different idea coming into his mind. He twisted the wring upon his finger, leaning more towards the right side. "Yes, and we can have our trap. We take them as prisoners when they arrive; we use them as leverage and end this war before it even begins"

"Remember what happened the last time prisoners were taken?" she asked, although she knew it was not his fault. Yet, she did not support the idea and he made it clear. "Either way, we cannot risk it with Daenerys having the dragons. Especially if one considers that we do not have any Scorpions ready, yet"

Her words did not please him, evident by the faint scoff that her ears picked up. However, he mentally knew that she presented a very valid point on the matter. His plan had the potential to backfire at them and now it was not the time for such rookie mistakes or such big openings for the enemy to take advantage of.

He then thought to the letter again, this...threat that it spoke of. It was not clear what kind of threat but apparently one dangerous enough to make Daenerys stop her quest to conquer Westeros and instead choose to assist them fight them.

Something clicked in his mind and he focused his full attention on Visenya. "Could this threat be the one you saw in your dream? When was the last time you saw it?" he asked her.

The dragoness thought for a moment. "I don't know, Tywin. Mayhap it is...I do believe it might be the same threat but until we see that proof, I cannot be certain. I do not even know neither what it was nor what I saw exactly, nor have I truly found any information to match either" she confessed and then thought some more due to his second question. "The last Dragon Dream I had generally, was before the Dance of the Dragons. I had not seen any dreams ever since, specifically about that the threat from beyond the wall"

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