CXXXIX. Showoffs, Hidden Skills & Shocking News

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Winterfell – The North – Sometime Later


Trystan found himself enjoying his stay at Winterfell despite his parents' distaste for it. The library was particularly impressive, albeit a bit dark, but perfect for those who wanted to spend time there. The food was a little heavier than what he was accustomed to, but overall, he felt his stay was quite memorable.

However, he could not bear attending the War Meetings with his parents, which included arguments between the Lords and their past feuds, which often ruined his mood.

Fortunately, he began to make friends with the Free Folk, who had befriended Jaime, and he was eventually pulled into their circle. Tormund was particularly fond of the Half-Lion, often comparing him to Jon.

Trystan also became more familiar with some members of the opposing team, such as Missandei and Grey Worm. They were usually around his half-brother, Tyrion, and he eventually met them. As a Half-Dragon and technically a cousin to their Queen, they were interested in him. They were especially intrigued when they realized that he also spoke High Valyrian, although his level was nowhere near that of his mother's. Nonetheless, both were willing to help him improve his skills in the language.

"I think he's rather good, don't you?" Tyrion asked with some brotherly pride as he stood on a wooden step. They were all standing on one of the many wooden bridges connecting most walls and castle sections. They were on the highest level since they were the least crowded.

"His accent still needs work, but he learns fast, faster than you," Missandei said, making Tyrion frown slightly, and Trystan glanced down at his feet momentarily.

"Well, unlike my brother, I had practice. Although, I am not the best at writing it," he confessed, standing across Missandei and Grey Worm, next to Tyrion, with his hands behind his back.

"Reading High Valyrian is hard, writing even more so," the former translator explained, with a soft smile on her features at the innocence and kindness of the half-lion. "Not even her Grace has mastered it, yet."

This seemed to shock Trystan. "My... Uhm, my cousin...," he started, somehow finding it odd to call her that when he only found out about her existence a few months ago. "I thought she knew High Valyrian."

"She does and she speaks them as well as anyone from Essos. She still learns to write and read it," she corrected him. "But she is also a fast learner. Your mother has mastery over it, right?"

He nodded. "Yes, speak, read and write. She tried to teach me writing when I was younger, but after I moved to King's Landing, I kind of had no one to practice with and forgot it."

Tyrion scoffed, getting comfortable at the top of the steps to be at closer eye level with his talking companions. "Yes, we are to be blamed, you see. We showed him what whores and wine and sword fighting are, and we made him forget his language lessons," he commented, partially mocking but also throwing a joke of his own.

Grey Worm, who had become far better at understanding the common tongue, rolled his eyes. "The short man jokes at the wrong times," he said in High Valyrian, making Missandei chuckle and Trystan to be amused.

"Hey, hey," Tyrion said, drawing their attention. "I might not speak your fancy language, but I know when one speaks about me," he reminded them, although there was no true offence in his eyes. He then turned to his brother. "Trystan, what did they say about me?"

The Half-Lion was hesitant for a moment to just snitch out, but Missandei gave him a nod and a warm smile, a sign that she did not mind if he translated. "He says you make jokes at the wrong time," he translated.

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