CLV. Costly Victory, part 2

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She could not think of much, other than the feeling of the free fall and the pain coming from her latest injuries. For the first time, though, she truly did start to feel the cold around her; like she had never done before.

Her vision was blurry, making her unable to distinguish anything around her but somehow; she knew that not that far away Viserion and Rhaegal were also falling to their deaths; just as she had dreamt of.

Her body felt drained, yet as she was certain that the ground was coming closer and closer, she could not help but think of the green dragon. He had trusted her, carried her through this intense battle and did his best to keep her safe.

He fought against his undead brother, got seriously injured and now he was about to fall to his death; unless he would try to spread his injured wings and save himself. Yet, Rhaegal was too tired at that moment to do so, his bright amber slit pupil eyes were closed and one was not sure if he was even conscious.

She still remembered that first dream, of him rising from the spot her nephew died. Like the old Targaryen fairytales, Rhaegar had reincarnated himself into a dragon; his soul still worthy in the eyes of the 14 Gods.

Somehow, deep down, she could feel the soul of the creature; she could feel her nephew. When their gazes were met when they flew together...there was this connection and she doubted it was her family's gift that caused it.

Visenya's vision turned fully black and she was about to fall unconscious. Before she could though, one last thought prevailed.

I am sorry Rhaegar, she thought as if the green dragon or her nephew could hear her before her world turned black.


Rhaegal was free-falling, barely able to remain conscious. Blood was coming out of his wounds, his wings injured and his scaled green body feeling heavy. His instincts were telling him to fly but he found no strength in moving any part of his body.

That was until Visenya's voice seemed to reach him. Somehow, hearing her voice...and that name...Rhaegar.

Suddenly, the green dragon opened its amber eyes and saw her falling fast; soon to crash into the ground beneath them and perish.

With one last attempt, the animal struggled but managed to turn its body and spread its injured and torn wings. He needed more flaps than usual to even keep his balance in the air as he used gravity to speed towards Visenya.

In one last attempt to save her, he dived forward and managed to extend the digits by his wings. He trapped Visenya in them and closed, just enough to protect her but not too much to crush her.

Just as the ground was right beneath them, he wrapped the wings around his body, holding the fist with Visenya inside close to his chest. With one spin, he let his spiny back crash against the snowy ground first.

The momentum made his body gale and crush a few more times, taking with him many corpses that covered the snowy grounds.

Eventually, Rhaegal's body came to a halt.

He had landed not far from Winterfell, ironically close to the standing allies. The humans had screamed in fright when both he and his brother collapsed, somehow running and avoiding being crushed by the huge bodies of the dragons.

Now that they were safe, Rhaegal's head was crushed against the ground and his amber eyes closed from exhaustion and pain. Yet, his wrapped wings had loosened their grip and from his grasp, Visenya's limp body fell on the snow; crashing on her right side as the headband she wore on her head slipped off her head.

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