VII. Sometimes a Woman has to do Things on her Own

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Casterly Rock, Westernlands - 18 days since Tywin left King's Landing


A usual trip on horseback from King's Landing to Casterly Rock could take from 20 to 25 days depending always on the weather and the speed one was moving. Through the unnamed paths that Tywin had learnt through his childhood, the trip took them only 18 days.

Before the sun could rise on the 19th day, they had arrived at their destination. Instead of taking the usual path that led them directly to Lannisport and then heading for Casterly Rock, Tywin had led his soldiers off the path and through the small valleys and forest at the base of one of the mountains.

While the path was rocky, it did offer them cover and a faster route to reach their destination.

Throughout the whole trip, he had barely said much other than giving orders and keeping in touch with his brothers. The attacks had stopped for a few days and then seemed to focus more on Lannisport again, causing more destruction than just stealing.

The army from Casterly Rock had been separated in half, with one part being led by Gerion to handle the troubles by the port and defend the cargo residing there. The other part had remained to secure Casterly Rock, under the leadership of Tygett. Although their primary house was a full fortress that could not easily be taken down, it was always wise not to leave it fully unguarded.

As they marched through the forest and towards open land, Tywin could see the silhouette of his childhood home and the main seat of power of his house; in the distance. Lights from the torches were a contrast against the darkness of the night, although the soon-rising rays of the sun had made the sky less dark and dense than before.

The famous Castle was built at the edge of a cliff, where sharp rocks awaited the fates of any ship foolish to try and reach the sores while the waves of the Sunset Sea crashed against them; the sound echoing across the Castle like the roar of a lion.

"You have been awfully quiet brother" Kevan said as he guided his stallion to be next to the black one of his brother.

While only two years younger, Kevan seemed to have inherited a similar good part along with Tywin. Despite Tywin shadowing all of his siblings, Kevan was never one to hold a grudge or ruin their relationship. Instead, he had built a relationship with him and had ridden under his banners for years now.

He knew his brother better than anyone, except for their sister Genna; who most of the time seemed to know him the most. Either way, Tywin often discussed certain thoughts and plans with his brother, especially when it came to decisions about the army and a battle.

"I do not see a reason to be wasting my breath if there is no need for it" Tywin replied, his enamelled crimson red armour making him stand out compared to the simple grey of his brother.

Truth be told, Tywin had been rethinking how to handle the issue but also the words Visenya had told him. 'The Silence in the Shadows', sounded ridiculous and sometimes he wondered why his mind did not let it go.

His brother rolled his eyes at his answer but did not chase the subject. Tywin had always been rather serious even as a child and only Joanna had managed to truly make him laugh but that was even rarely.

Yet, Kevan had noticed that his brother had passed the stage of mourning rather fast and there was this silent glimmer in his eyes from time to time. It had taken him some time to find the reasons behind it until he took better notice of the secret company he kept in the shadows.

The sly Princess of the 7 Kingdoms seemed to spend quite some time with his brother, although one could never truly know the true topics of their discussions. Kevan doubted anything truly took place between them, both far too prideful and busy with the 'kingdom' to bother but the presence they had on one another was not common.

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