LXXII. Accepting the Truth

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The Hand's Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – The Next Day


By the morning of the next day, Tywin had no trouble with any of his children. He was still annoyed by their attitude, especially Cersei but he did not chase the topic. At least he had made it clear with Visenya and it seemed that she was back to her usual self, something he was pleased with.

Now with those things handled, he had to get his hands on the next thing on his list. To be able and push this alliance, he had to talk with the real head of the family and unfortunately for him; it was not that stupid Lord Mace.

"Impossible," Olenna commented as she sat on the chair across from his desk, a goblet with Arbour wine in her hand.

Tywin was busy himself pouring one as well but had his body half turned, to keep her in his field of vision.

"Why?" he questioned, not truly liking how quickly he rejected his offer but chose to remain civil if he wanted his plan to work.

"My grandson is the pride of Highgarden and the one to inherit it soon," she said, aware of what his plans were. After Loras' brother was killed during the battle of Blackwater Bay, he is the next in line since his older brother is physically ruined after a tourney accident." The most desirable bachelor in all seven kingdoms. Your daughter-" she never managed to finish his sentence.

"Is rich, the most beautiful woman in all seven kingdoms and the mother of the king." Tywin interrupted her.


He turned to face her, his goblet at hand and he lifted one eyebrow at her words. "Old?" he repeated.

"Old. I'm something of an expert on the subject. Her change will be upon her before long. I'll spare you the details of what will happen then since your Lady Wife is clearly not of that category." Olenna said as Tywin sat on his chair. "You men may have a stomach for bloodshed and slaughter, but this is another matter entirely."

He merely stole a glance at the side towards the light coming from one of his windows. "The years punish us as well, all of us, I promise you that." He turned to look at her again, taking a sip of his wine. "My stomach remains quite strong, however. The only thing that might turn it is details of your grandson's nocturnal activities. Do you deny them?"

Olenna was not intimidated by his words and did not need to lie, since it was quite evident that certain things about Loras. "Oh, not at all. A sword swallower through and through." She sipped some of her wine.

"And a boy with his affliction should be grateful for the opportunity to marry the most beautiful woman in the kingdoms and remove the stain from his name."

"Well, I assure you the court does not think your daughter holds that title anymore. Not with your wife back in court" she commented, trying to earn a reaction from him and she did, jealousy. "Did you grow up with boy cousins, Lord Tywin? Sons of your father's bannermen, squires, stable boys?"

He sipped some wine. "Of course." He said, although there was some uncertainty in his voice since he could not see where this discussion was going to lead them.

"And you never-"


She smirked in amusement, seeing him trying to remain serious and not react to the 'offences'. "Not once? Not in any way?"

"Never." He replied firmly, trying not to get insulted by such speculations about his youth.

"I congratulate you upon your restraint. But it's a natural thing, two boys having a go at each other beneath the sheets."

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