CXLVII. Before the Big Battle

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Winterfell, The North, Westeros – A few hours before the Big Battle


The army had almost reached them, no one knowing exactly when the battle would start but everyone knew it was coming. The winds were harsher; the temperatures lower than ever before and there was this innate feeling in everyone that a big danger was coming their way.

Ser Barristan had once again worn his armour and fixed the dragonglass sword that had been given to him prior. He would be by part of the Right Host while his Queen would remain on top of her dragon, for better safety as well.

However, he planned to keep an eye out in case she ever needed his help. However, knowing that Visenya would be on top of the other dragon and would have her back, made him feel a little less anxious about their wellbeing.

"Are you ready, Your Grace?" he asked, seeing her just looking around while the two dragons were waiting outside the walls.

"I am, surprisingly." She confessed, eyes scanning the environment around her as she waited for her aunt to show up; so they could move to their dragons.

They planned to fly early and find cover not so far away, to ambush the enemy better. In addition, if the undead Viserion chose to make an appearance; they could catch him off guard and end it quickly.

The old knight placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. "It is a common feeling before a big battle. Your aunt felt the same thing I believe"

She focused on him. "Were you present when it was her first battle?"

He shook his head, a negative response. "I am afraid not. She had left with her loyal soldiers to offer assistance to Lord Tywin, during a siege caused by a bastard of his Father. As a Kingsguard, I remained in King's Landing. I am certain though, that she must have felt the same. Everyone does one way or another"

This new story had drawn her interest for she had not heard it before. Truth be told, she did not know that much about her aunt or her adventures. She knew the big ones and Visenya had been telling her stories of her family in general.

"Was it after they got married?" she asked, deciding that this could be her chance to get a better insight into the rather unique relationship between her aunt and the old Lion.

"No, Your Grace. I believe it was at least two years prior. Lord Tywin was a widow by then. Your father did not wish to send help and so your aunt took it upon herself to offer it"

"How? Did my Father just let her go?"

His lips formed a small smirk as he could almost remember the day or better say night, when all of it took place. "No, Your Grace. Your aunt..." he composed himself, but he did not hide his amusement. "I believe your aunt made your father drunk enough and persuaded him to sign a paper, allowing her to take men and offer support to Lord Tywin's forces"

Daenerys kept looking at him, surprised to hear of the rather sneaky move her aunt pulled against her own brother. Somehow, the idea alone was rather comical in her mind and she could not even imagine how her father must have felt when he woke up the next morning and found out the news.

"And she offered one hell of a support" a new voice said and the two of them turned towards the source of it.

A Lannister soldier walked their way, their face obscured by the unique helmet that all the Westerlands soldiers wore; one that offered almost maximum security. His armour could be heard with each step and a rather long white beard was seen beneath the helm.

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