XCIX. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 3

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Father, I wish to confess." He said in a lowered tone but almost no one heard him above the noise of the gossiping crowd. "I wish... to confess." He repeated, this time louder.

This shocked Jaime and Visenya, who looked at him surprised by his words. Even Trystan did not believe what he was hearing, questioning what his brother had in mind but deeply worrying that whatever he had; would only make things worse than improve them.

"You wish to confess?" Tywin asked him, ensuring that everyone heard it right.

Tyrion turned to the crowd. "I saved you. I saved this city and all your worthless lives" he spat.

He had saved them more than once. It was his idea to form an alliance with the Tyrells and use the chain amongst the ships. He supervised the training of the spitfire crews to handle wildfire. He sent the hill tribes to harass Stannis' flanks and kill his scouts as they passed through the Kingswood.

After Jacelyn Bywater was killed and the Hound deserted, it was him, who took command over the soldiers and led them against Stannis' troops. Due to his outstanding bravery, the invading host was delayed long enough till Tywin and the reinforcements arrived.

And yet, is this how he is repaid? After all he did to save them, the scar he received as he laid out his life for them and is this how they look at him? So quick to judge, to point a finger in his direction and accuse him of murder

Tyrion kept glaring at the crowd with hatred. "I should have let Stannis kill you all." he continued as he stood up again, glaring at everyone in the crowd and not caring about the reactions he caused.

"Tyrion." His father's voice was heard even amongst the noise of the crowd and the dwarf turned to look at him. "Do you wish to confess?"

"Yes, Father. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You admit you poisoned the king?"

"No, of that I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a dwarf." Tyrion said.

Tywin clenched and unclenched his fist around one of the sword pommels of the iron throne, a futile attempt to contain his temper. He found this so ridiculous that his lips twitched to a smirk, one of annoyance and disgust.

Even after all this, Tyrion continued to test his patience.

"You are not on trial for being a dwarf." He reminded him.

"Oh, yes, I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life."

Getting tired of this mockery, Tywin leaned forward. "Have you nothing to say in your defence?"

"Nothing but this..." he turned to look in the direction of Cersei. "I did not do it. I did not kill Joffrey, but I wish that I had." He spat with so much hatred and venom that was unlike him. His eyes glowed dangerously but he was not done, he was far from it. "Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than 1,000 lying whores." He said and despite the reaction of the crowd, he turned to them. "I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it."

The crowd went wild, some even stood up as they started to shout and curse Tyrion for his direct threat at them. None dared to come to a close but they did not hide their reactions to his venomous words.

"Ser Meryn. Ser Meryn." Tywin shouted for the Kingsguard, his voice barely being heard above the noise of the crowd. "Escort the prisoner back to his cell."

Tyrion's head snapped towards the direction of his father. "I will not give my life for Joffrey's murder. And I know I'll get no justice here. So I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat."

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