"Eternal Love"

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One of the best ones I've ever read
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Are you ready, babe?" Y/n's mom's voice spoke.
Y/n looked up from her engagement ring she'd been twirling around. A big smile was placed on her lips as she gave her mom an enthusiastic nod. Her mom 'awed' and pulled her daughter in for a big hug.
"I'm so happy for you."
Y/n gave out a little laugh. "I am too, Mom. It's finally the day I've been waiting for since forever."
A wedding is something Y/n has always dreamt of. The dress, the party, the venue, the love. As a little girl, she's been fascinated by weddings and the making of them.
What was even more fascinating for her was the love. She's always has been a lowkey sucker for love; not letting a single soul know about how she always thought of who the person who would sweep her off her feet be.
Not until she met Luke. Luke is her soon to be husband. A man with a kind soul and big heart. After meeting him, something clicked in her and she knew something big was about to occur.
Luke felt the same. He's always been open about love and how he felt about it, but when he met Y/n, it was something greater.
Now he stood at the front of the altar, anxiously staring at the big doors and waiting for his beautiful bride to walk in.
It wasn't until he heard the music playing that he stood up straighter. The doors slowly opened to reveal Y/n in a beautiful flowing lace gown. Her hair was up in an elegant bun and the veil covered her face.
But Luke could still see the smile playing on her lips and the tears she tried to so desperately hold onto. Luke couldn't. Tears flowed down the minute she stood in front of him.
Her hand reached out and wiped them away causing him to let out a few more before they ceased.
The ceremony had began and went as a blur. The only thing the two could focus on was each other. Nothing else mattered in that very moment but them.
The priest's voice broke them out of the trance. Asking for the vows to be said.
Y/n took her paper from her maid of honor and Luke to his from Michael, his best man.
"You go first?" Y/n asked.
Luke gave a nod and cleared his throat. His shaky hands opened up the folded paper and he began to read.
"I always thought that people will be coming into your life for a reason. To make you or try to break you. They are there to teach us something not only about life, but about ourselves. I also always thought that is one special person who will be coming into your life and teaching you more than you thought you knew. A person who you can share everything with and do so much with. Someone who deeply understands you and what you're about. That person for me is you, Y/n Y/l/n. You are all that for me and more. You're the person that I share my dreams with, hopes for the future, goals that I've achieved and ones that I might not. You're the person I go to first when something exciting happens to me. The person who I want to share my happiness with. You are someone who I am not afraid to cry with, laugh with, joke with, argue with. You build me up and show me how great I am and you make sure to remind me everyday as I do with you. I thank you for being my rock. I vow to love you forever and always, Y/n."
By the end of it, Luke had once again began to softly cry along with Y/n who tried her hardest to keep her sobs in. She reached out her arms and brought Luke into a hug.
It lasted for a little while before Y/n let go, getting ready to read her vows.
"You are everything for me, Luke. You bring out the best in me. You make me see things in a total different perspective. With you, days seem longer, better. Colors are brighter. Nights are filled with light and days are filled with love. When I'm with you, everything feels right. We don't need a continuous conversation to keep us busy. Silence is fine because we know we're together and in love. Things that I've never been interested in before or thought of before now fascinate me, everytime you speak of them. I love seeing the big smile on your face when you do. Seeing you happy is the thing I love the most. I have opened my heart to you. Oh god, I was so afraid of doing it. Knowing that it could possibly be broken, scared me. But you never did. You make me experience a love and joy I never have before. Life now seems different, better, brighter, with you by my side. I vow to never let you go Luke Hemmings and to keep our eternal love as a great treasure to my life."
Y/n along with the crowd and Luke were blubbering messes at this point. Seeing these two happy and in love brightened up everyone's hearts and brought them to an emotional turn.
Soon the rings were on and the kiss was given. The two happy coupled walked out to the awaiting family who cheered once they saw the two.
Luke chuckled and turned to Y/n who had just finished hugging one of her cousins.
"You ready to go, Mrs. Hemmings?"
"I am, Mr. Hemmings."
The two got into the awaiting limo, heading to the reception where they would tirelessly celebrate officiating their love.

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