Little Irwin || Luke Hemmings Imagine

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Vibrations from drums and guitars reached the floor as I stood up from the couch. The clock read 9:47 and I let out a loud sigh. 

"They have been rehearsing for hours, mom." I groaned and walked towards the door leading into garage.

"Leave them be, [Y/N]. They haven’t been home in a while…they just want to practice for their next performance." My eyebrow raised as my hand reached for the knob. 

"Ashton could at least play the drums a little…quieter, don’t you think? I’m starting to get a headache. Besides, it’s almost 10. How are you and dad okay with this?" She rolled her eyes and motioned me away. I twisted the knob and took in the scene before me. My brother sat at his drum set all shirtless and sweaty, gross. Calum and Michael looked the same, except they were playing away at their guitars. Luke stood fully clothed and sung into the mic. I shut the door loudly, thinking they would hear but, of course they didn’t. It took him a few minutes but, Ashton glanced over at me and stopped playing his drums.

"Out." I leaned back on the door and crossed my arms. The others stopped playing once they realized Ashton had stopped. Their glances fell on me, giving me small smiles. Ashton put his drum sticks down and walked towards me.

"No, take two steps back. Don’t come near me when you’re all unclothed and sweaty." Ashton continued to walked closer to me until he finally pulled me up into a hug.

"Oh, [Y/N]. I love you so, so, soooo much!" I pushed on his shoulders, groaning and letting out gags. He smelled like sweat and his cologne mixed together.

"I hate you, oh my god." He lifted me up off the ground and I smacked his arm. "Put. Me. Down!

"Uh oh, Ash. Baby Irwin is mad, again." Calum’s voice spoke up and Michael laughed. Ashton soon put me down and pointed at the door behind me.

"Out." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the small couch in our garage. 

"If you’re going to keep me up until 10, you could at least play something for me." I slid my flip flops off and sat Indian styles on the couch. Ashton let out a groan and face palmed himself.

"Come on, [Y/N]. I don’t need you distracting them! We were just about to call it quits." I put on a pout, looking at all the boys. Luke bit on his lip ring and looked back at Ashton with a raised eyebrow.

"We still haven’t practiced Amnesia.." Ashton shot him a look but, sighed and sat down.

"My favorite. Thanks Hemmings." Luke smirked and gave me a wink before Ashton began to bang on his drums again. I’ve always had a thing for Luke. It wasn’t a big thing, just a small crush, it was nothing. We would always flirt innocently around each other and Ashton would end it quickly. 

"One. Two. One, two, three!" Ashton started the notes into the song and I smiled, mouthing the words as Calum began to sing. I found myself moving from side to side, humming along. The song was one of my favorites from the album, just because it was slow and cute. The song ended quickly and the boys ended with taking sips of water. Our mother walked out, clapping her hands together.

"Alright boys. Time to wrap things up." She turned to me and gave me a small smile. "Daddy and I are going out tonight with some friends at this hotel thing. It’s weird, I don’t know. You’ll be home with Luke and Ashton for the night." I nodded and looked over at the two boys who hi fived each other, giving me small waves.

"Who’s in charge?" My mother rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"You’re 18, Ashton’s 20. You’re both adults…so, no one…I suppose." The two boys high fived each other again and then she shook her head. "[Y/N], you’re in charge." 

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