Michael Clifford - Just Cuddles Will Do

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*** I love writing a bit of 5SOS! Keep requesting for my Daddy Harry series!Love you all! ***

"What are you doing?" You heard Michael’s humoured voice ask, as he walked into the bedroom of the hotel room you were staying in during the European leg of the WWA Tour with One Direction. You were laid on the ground, two pillows under your head, as you laid on the heated area of the floor, legs crossed. "Don’t laugh, Clifford…" You whined, burying your head into the pillow, and sighing. "Baby… Why don’t you lay on the bed?" He asked, as you looked up. "Because it’s warmer here, and it’s clearing my cramps" You hissed, as he held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry" He whispered, as he walked over to his suitcase. "Want to come and sit by the pool?" He asked, as you looked at him. "No.." You groaned, hands flying to your tummy. "Okay.. How about I go to the pool with Ash and Niall, maybe Harry, then come back up for a cuddle?" He suggested, as you groaned. "No.. I want time to myself" You hissed, as he sighed. "This time of the month is terrible" He groaned, as you giggled slightly. "Sorry, Mikey.. I didn’t think I was starting this week" You moaned, rolling onto your back.

He chuckled, as he walked into the bathroom, closing the door. You sighed, and stood up, walking over to the balcony, and sitting on the lounge chair sat by the edge. “Wa-hey! If it isn’t Mikey’s girl!” You heard an Irish accent call from below, as you peered your head over. “Hello, Horan” You said, as he chuckled. “Were you getting the jiggy on in there, or is he coming down anytime soon?” You heard Harry ask, as you chucked him your middle finger. “Piss off” You hissed, sitting down, and propping your feet up on the bar. “Where is Mikey?” Ashton asked, as you heard Harry dive into the pool, his legs flailing everywhere. “He’s just changing” You said, as the balcony doors slid open. “I’m here, I’ll be down in a second!” Michael called, as he grabbed his towel.

"Are you sure you don’t want to come down?" He asked, turning to you. "No, I’m fine.. Just gonna stay here, and chill" You said, as you scrolled through your twitter. "You don’t want me to stay up here?" He asked, as you shook your head. "Go have fun with the boys, you deserve it" You grinned, as he kissed your head. "I love you, miss America" He chuckled, as you smiled. "I love you too, mr Australia" You giggled, as he walked back through the balcony doors.


"And finally, the Clifford has arrived!" You heard Ashton say, before a splash in the pool. "Asswipe!" You heard Ashton call, spluttering water out of his mouth. "Don’t be a sarcastic little shit then" He teased, chucking his towel over the lounge chair beside the hot-tub area. "Where’s (Y/N)?" Harry asked, as he pointed to where you were bending over the balcony. "I’m here" You sing-songed, as he chuckled, waving up at you. "Why are you up there?" He asked, as you blushed a little. "Uhm.. A little problem, I can’t come down" You said, as he looked confused. "Harold, it’s a girl problem, idiot" You groaned, as it clicked into his brain. "Oh… Can’t you just wear a tampon?" He asked, as you chucked one of Michael’s shoes down at him. "Fuck off, Harold!" You hissed, as he chuckled. "Sorry…" He said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"So, the first concert of the European leg tonight… I’m a little nervous" Michael said, as you looked down through the glass of the balcony. "You’ll be fine, mister" You called, looking at Tumblr. "Whatever, you!" He said, as you giggled. "You’re only on for what? Half an hour.. You’ll be fine" Niall said, as he looked over the frame of his sunglasses. "Yeah.. True" Michael said, as Niall smirked. "(Y/N)? Come down, pleaseeee?" Niall asked, as Ashton giggled. "We won’t dunk you in, or anything.." Ashton added, as you flipped your two fingers at him. "I do not trust you.." You said, standing up. "Pleaseeeee?" Michael asked, as you giggled. "Ugh.. Fine! But I’m serious.. Don’t dunk me. You don’t want a bloody pool, eh?" You asked, as they all looked disgusted. "Okay.. Okay, we won’t" Harry cringed, as you smiled.

You slipped your flip-flops on, and made your way down the steps, through the small hallway, and into the area where the pool is in the villa. “And she has made it!” Niall teased, as you giggled, flopping in the lounge chair Michael was situated on. “Hi, darlin’” He mumbled, as you looked up, smiling. “Hi” You grinned, as he opened his legs up, patting the space between them. “Let’s cuddle… Come on” He smiled, as you scooted between his thighs, leaning back against his chest.

"Here, did you hear Liam and Sophia last night?" You asked, quietly, incase they could here from their room. "Oh god, yeah.. I share a bloody apartment with them" Niall cringed, as you giggled. You settled deeper against Michael’s chest, as he continued rubbing small circles on your hips. "They were like rabbits.. I couldn’t sleep" You giggled, as you heard Liam come from the bedroom. "Weyyy!" Niall and Harry cheered, as Liam chuckled. "Go away, lads!" He called, running a hand through his hair. "You coming down?" Michael asked, as Liam looked over his shoulder. "Yeah, we’re just gonna shower and then we’ll come down" Liam said, as Harry smirked. "Shut it, Harold… No, we will not be having sex in the shower.. Niall uses that shower" Liam said, as Niall looked up and smiled. "Thank you… At least you care about one thing" He mumbled, causing you to giggle.

"So… Where’s Zayn and Perrie? Louis and Eleanor? Luke and Calum?" You asked, looking up at the villa. "They are probably still sleeping, or eating.. Probably eating for Luke and Calum" Niall said, as you giggled, Michael chuckling behind you. "Louis and Eleanor were still sleeping when I left the room" Harry said, as you nodded. "And what about Zayn and Perrie? Anyone heard from them?" You asked, as everyone shook their heads. "Meh.. Sleeping, probably.. They love their sleep" Michael said, as you smiled, leaning your head back against his shoulder.

"How are your cramps, baby?" He whispered, as you nodded. "They’re good. Your cuddles cured them.. Just keep drawing small patterns on my hips, it’s relaxing" You smiled, as he grinned and kissed your ear. "I’m so glad you joined us on this tour… You’ll love it" Michael said, as you looked back to the pool. "I love travelling, and I couldn’t pass down the chance of travelling, with my boyfriend" You said, squeezing his forearm. "I guess not… Travelling and me, are a good mix" He said, cockily, as you slapped his thigh. "Don’t be so big-headed" You giggled, as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "I love you… I really do" Mikey said, as you curled your toes up and cuddled back, tilting your head back against the crook of his neck. "I love you too" You whispered, bursting into laughter when Niall pushed Harry into the pool.

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