All New-Calum Imagine

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‘(Y/N), Calum is here’ you hear your mum call from downstairs, you jump off your bed, checking your reflection in the mirror and smoothing out your shirt before heading down stairs. You can hear Calum and your mum talking in the kitchen and smile as you walk in earning their attention.

‘Morning beautiful’ Calum greets as you go over to hug him, but he moves his lips to yours, it’s a quick kiss, soft and indulging, and your able to taste the mint on his lips, but you quickly pull away and move towards the fridge.

‘(Y/N) can you pass me the butter?’ you mum asks as she stirs whatever she is cooking, you grab the butter and throw it to Calum who smoothly catches it and wins before handing it to your mum. You laugh a little shaking your head as you turn back to the fridge and just stare. You feel hands wrap around your body, and Calum’s head rests on your shoulder, he kisses your cheek.

‘Babe, what you looking for?’ he asks, you shrug and move out of his arms to close the fridge. You have all finished eating and your Dad is telling Calum about his band when he was younger, you smile as your mum rolls her eyes. Your hand is resting on the table and is suddenly engulf in warmth, you look down to see Calum’s huge hand resting on yours, his fingers entwining with yours, you took between your mum and dad but they are busy chatting and so you quickly move your hand from his and stand to start the dishes. As you take Calum’s plate from in front of him, he is watching you a small frown on his face.


‘Mikey, baby, I’ve just been on the phone to Sapphire and she said that Chad as got them reservations at that really fancy place in town for valentine’s day, have you planned anything yet? Cause you know I would really like to go there, could you book it, I mean it’s normally really hard to get in there but you know I’m sure if you say who you are we can get in no problem. It would mean so much Mikey, because if we don’t then Sapphire will just brag about how much better her boyfriend is, I mean unless you’re planning on whisking me away in a private jet and taking me to Paris we can go to the restaurant right? Wait are we going to Paris cause that would be amazing, could you imagine Sapphires face when I tell her, oh god. So what are we doing?’

Alice as rushed into the room, holding up her phone in her pink sparkling nails, her face caked in the usually amount of make-up, too much. You look at Michael to see he is sitting eyes wide as he takes in everything his ‘girlfriend’ has just told him. You hear Calum quietly chuckling from your side as you sit side by side on the floor playing Fifa, you look at him and he is smirking at you and then winks, you shake your head looking back at the screen so you wouldn’t laugh.

‘Erm actually we are away from valentines’ Michael mutters, earning an overdramatic gasp from Alice.

‘Really? Oh my god baby where are we going? Somewhere exotic and romantic?’ he gushes.

‘No, erm I mean that me and the lads are on tour for valentines’ Michael corrects her, you smile trying not to laugh at how disappointed she must be.

‘Michael Gordon Clifford I hate you, how could you do this to me, now I’m going to be a laughing stock’ she shrikes rushing out of the door and slamming it behind her. You pause the game and turn to Michael who is huffing out.

‘Well Mikey baby, you’re not in the good books’ you mock, making Calum laugh again.

‘What and he is?’ Michael asks, pointing an accusing finger at Calum, who quickly sobers up his laughter, his face dropping.

‘What?’ you ask confused.

‘If I’m not here for valentine’s day then neither is Calum’ Michael explains and you nod.

‘Okay’ you drag out, showing that you don’t understand what Michael is getting at.

‘Babe, I was going to tell you it just never came up, I sw…’ you cut Calum off.

‘Calum I don’t care about valentine’s day, seriously it’s just another day’ you tell him, he smiles and leans forward pecking your lips but you quickly move away not wanting to linger to long.

‘How did you get the cool girlfriend and I got the crazy one?’ Michael asks.

‘Because my girlfriend likes me and yours likes your wallet’ Calum laughs, and Michael fake glares at him, knowing he is right but for the time being Michael doesn’t mind his relationship, he knows it isn’t serious. Ashton and Luke wonder in, Luke taking the control from Calum and laughing. You smile moving onto the sofa next to Michael and handing him your control. Calum squeezes in next to you and wraps his arm around you, your stiff for a moment but relax a little, until Calum moves you closer and kisses your lips, his soft lips pressing gently into yours, he begins to move but you can’t bring yourself to join in, and instead pull away, smiling quickly before standing up.

‘Do any of you want a drink?’ you question, using the kitchen as an excuse to leave the room, they all say yes and you rush out to the kitchen , grabbing five cans from the fridge, you turn to leave but Calum is standing right there. He takes the cans from you and puts them on the counter, his hand moves up to hold your cheek and his lips slowly get closer to yours, at first it’s just a peck, sort and sweet but then he moves his hand to your neck pulling you a little closer and slipping his tongue through your parted lips. You jump back and go to grab the cans again but Calum takes your hand in his first.

‘(Y/N) what’s wrong?’ he asks looking a little deflated.

‘Nothing, everything is fine’ you tell him smiling a little.

‘So then it’s me’ he offers making you frown a little.

‘What?’ you asks confused as he drops you hand.

‘You so weird, I mean I like you a lot, you know I do but clearly it’s not the same for you’ he explains.

‘It is, I don’t know what you’re talking about Cal’ you tell him.

‘You won’t let me touch you, this morning you wouldn’t even let me hold your hand, just in there you can’t kiss me for more than two seconds, I don’t get what’s wrong. At first a thought you might be a little shy but you’re not, we both know you’re not shy so what is it?’ he questions.

‘Me, it’s me. This the cuddling, the affection in front of my parents, kissing in front of your friends, sharing a bed, cuddling in the night, it’s all new. I have never experienced this before, I mean sure I’ve kissed people and cuddled people and shared by bed but this is different, it with you and its serious and its freaking me out a little. You know I gave never had a relationship, not a serious one and this, with us is huge for me and I just can’t relax sometimes, I’m not used to it’ You ramble, as soon as the words left your mouth you felt lighter, like a you have been carrying a heavy bag for weeks and finally you can drop it.

Calum laughs a little, but soon moves into a smile as he stares at you, his hands finding your again and entwining your fingers, he pulls you closer to him so your chests are pressing against each other’s, his forehead moving down to yours and resting against you. His lips softy brush you’re only a tiny bit, teasing almost, you know he is smiling and you know you shouldn’t feel this with him, he’s amazing and he likes you. Before you know what is happening you pull his neck a little closer to you, so your lips can press against his a little more and you start to move, his responding straight away, moving together, his warmth radiating to you, and you feel him smile against your lips as he moves back only slightly so that you feel his lips brushing yours as he speaks.

‘You better get used to it, because I’m sticking around’

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