A Rainy Day

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You were currently riffling through boxes at the back of the video game shop. Cameron was meant to be with you but he was off on sick leave and due to the short notice of this no one had been asked to cover for him. The boxes were piled high full of games and random merchandise to go with them which made you smile. You were about to move one last box before lunch when the little bell rang and you moved quickly into the front section of the shop. You’d not expected any customers as the weather had taken a turn for the worst a little earlier and rain now pounded outside. You cursed quietly as you walked into one box but smiled brightly when you went to the front desk.
      ‘We thought you’d left or something,’ Luke said while Michael leaned on the desk. Ashton and Calum were wandering around, browsing the games on display while making funny comments about some of them. They were leaving wet footprints on the floor in their wake which made you sigh internally. 
      ‘What’re you doing here?’ you asked, smiling though but not moving to hug them as you didn’t want to get wet. 
      ‘It was horrible and we thought we’d come entertain you. What’re you doing?’ Michael said, moving towards you with an evil smirk playing on his face.
      You backed away slightly as you noticed the other boys realised what he was doing. They moved towards you as you backed into the back room. Your back hit a box lightly and made it wobble. You turned around just in time to catch it, noticing an old games console on the top.
      ‘Wait,’ you said, not turning to face the boys again as you picked the thing out of the box. ‘Who wants a game of pong?’ you asked, holding the thing out to them before Michael and Calum could pull you into wet hugs as they were sneaking up on you to do.
      A wide smile slipped onto Michael’s face. ‘You’re on,’ he said, linking his arm with yours.

You sighed, as you moved away from the window and sat a little more comfortably on the bed. You were currently in the hotel room while the boys tried to figure out what to do. They were staying near you to do some signings, they were a day early because they’d planned to go to the local theme park with you as a nice day out but the weather had been against you and the rain had started falling. 
      ‘Twitcam?’ Calum suggested, looking up from his phone. He was sat on the chair furthest away from you. Luke was sat on the bed beside you while Ashton looked out of the other window and Michael was flicking through the television channels to see if anything good was on. 
      ‘Twitcam interview,’ Luke said, beaming as he moved to get his laptop off the side. He turned to you with a smirk as he booted the thing up. ‘Wanna be our interviewer?’
      You smirked as the other boys turned their attention towards you, all of them were smiling. ‘I suppose I could,’ you said, beaming as they cheered. 
      ‘I’ll let them know then,’ Ashton said, getting his own phone out.
      ‘Done it already,’ Calum said, beaming as Michael moved to sit on the bed on the other side of Luke. 
      ‘How late you gonna be for this one?’ you asked, chuckling slightly. Luke gasped at the accusation, pouting at you as Michael took the laptop to set it up. 
       ‘It’s not our fault,’ he said, folding his arms as you heard Calum chuckle while Ashton mumbled at his phone while he typed.
       ‘Aw,’ you said, pouting in reply to him and pulling him into a hug. ‘We know, we’re used to it by now,’ you said, beaming as you pulled away and he smiled.
      ‘We ready?’ Michael asked. 
       You smiled before going to move off the bed as Michael put the laptop on the bed opposite you all. Luke lightly took hold of your wrist though. ‘The fans need to see our interviewer,’ he said, smiling.

‘Ready?’ Zoe asked as she plonked onto the sofa beside your best friend. She had popcorn in her hands and was smiling brightly as she offered some to her. You were sat on the floor in front of them with Calum and Michael, flicking through the movies which Zoe had scattered on the floor while Ashton did a little Keek and Luke was bringing in some other food. 
      You’d all been planning on going out that evening, however, the weather hadn’t been on your side and the rain had begun to pour just as you decided what you actually wanted to do rather than randomly wandering around. As you were closest to Zoe’s house she’d dragged you all back there so you didn’t have to wait out in the rain. 
      ‘Where’s the one about the…’ you began, but frowned as you looked up at Zoe, your mind coming up a blank. ‘About the… thingy,’ you said, making some random hand gestures as you searched for the word. 
      ‘The thingy?’ Calum asked, causing you to turn towards him. He was smirking as you made a hand gesture for someone small. 
      ‘Alien?’ Luke suggested.
      You shook your head. ‘No, the little guy, that goes on an adventure, and –’
       ‘The Hobbit?’ Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow.
       You clicked, beaming at him as you gave a slight sigh of relief. ‘That’s the one,’ you said. Calum scoffed slightly while the others chuckled, your best friend was mumbling something as she mimicked your hand gestures. 
      ‘How on Earth did you get that?’ she asked. 
      Ashton shrugged. ‘Charades is fun,’ he said simply.
      ‘Right,’ Calum said, pulling your attention towards him. He beamed before doing the hand gesture for a film. 
       ‘Film,’ Zoe chuckled, causing Calum to nod before he held up seven fingers.
       The game went on for a few minutes before you called it as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – something which Michael mocked annoyance at as he’d guessed most of it. Calum, however, beamed before pulling you in a congratulatory hug for having guessed it.

‘That’s awesome, Tilly,’ you said, smiling down at her as she copied the keys that you’d just taught her.
      You were sitting in Tilly’s house with your brother and the 5 Seconds of Summer boys as you’d planned on a trip to the beach but the weather had been against you and instead of the promised sun and warmth it was chucking it down with rain and the wind was unrelenting. You were at her piano, teaching her a simple song which had been the first one you’d learnt. 
      She beamed up at you, jumping excitedly on the chair. ‘Was it brilliant?’ she asked, turning to face Ashton who was sat on the sofa behind you both. The others were currently at the table football, with Calum being paired with Daniel. 
      ‘It was better than brilliant, Tilly,’ Ashton said, smiling as he stood up to lean on the side of the piano. ‘You sure you’ve never had lessons before now?’
      Tilly giggled just as Calum cheered while high-fiving Daniel as they’d reached the ten points they needed to win the game. 
       ‘Never,’ she said, beaming as the others made their way over. ‘Can I learn another one?’
       Daniel groaned, making you shoot him a warning look. ‘Can’t you just play a game with us or something?’ he asked, trying to look innocent as he jumped onto the sofa between Michael and Luke who were still mocking annoyance at having lost the game. Calum sat on the armchair to the left of them and closest to the window which was still being pounded by rain.
      ‘Like?’ you asked as you swivelled on the chair so that you were facing him now. Tilly followed your lead and folded her arms across her chest. 
      Ashton tapped a little tune on the top of the piano, causing Luke to smile. ‘How about guess the song?’ Ashton asked. ‘We could vary it between piano and drums.’
       You smiled, following his lead with the beat and playing the opening chords to She Looks so Perfect. ‘Round one,’ you said, causing the others to laugh.

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