First Night At Home With Your Newborn

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"I don’t ever want to stop holding her…" Ashton murmurs, kissing her soft head. "She’s so beautiful."

"I know." You smile. "I’m exhausted Ash."

"Go to sleep then babe." He replies, using his free hand to stroke your hair. The two of you are laid in bed together and he has your baby girl laid on his chest. "I love you so much. Thank you for giving me her."


"Shhh, go to sleep." Calum rocked his son back and forth, trying to soothe his cries.

"What else could he want Cal?" You sigh, rubbing your temples.

"I’m not sure." Calum sighed, still swaying your son from side to side. He started to sing ‘Over and Over’ to him and he slowly fell asleep. "Guess that answered that question…"


Electronic cries fill your ears as you hear your daughter crying through the baby monitor. You sit up and check the time on your phone; 2:18am

"I’ll go love, go back to sleep." Luke smiles, throwing a t-shirt over his head and leaving the room. 

You could hear Luke comforting your baby girl through the baby monitor. 

"Let Mummy sleep, yeah? She deserves it. Shh, good girl. Go back to sleep."


"These two are gonna cause trouble when they’re older." Michael smirked, picking up one of the tiny infants.

"Naaah, they’ll be perfect little students." You reply, picking up the other baby. You had a girl and a boy, twins.

"Oh well, I don’t care. As long as they stay healthy I don’t care." He smiled, proud tears in his eyes. He kisses the little girls head and places her back in her cot, allowing her to sleep.

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