Ashton Imagine

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I pick up my three year old son Jack as he trips on the floor of the grocery store and I shush him to keep him from crying and he whimpers slightly into my ear and I stroke his soft blond curls as I get a cart and place him inside of it and walk down the aisles as he runs his toy car over the metal cart, “Beep beep!” He puts it on my arm and I laugh, “Very cute Jacky, but mumma cant play right now, I need to buy us some dinner.” He traces a tattoo on my wrist and I smile, “You know what that says baby?” He squints, “Ja…Ja…Jack!” I smile, “Thats right baby, you know why I have it?” He shakes his head and I smile, “Because you’re the most important boy in my life.” He smiles, “Mommy…why dont I have a daddy?” My heart sinks, I comb through his hair, “Well baby-” “Woah I’m so sorry!” A cart crashes into mine and Jack’s toy car falls out of the cart and I rush and bend to pick it up but the other person gets to it first, picking it up in his big hands and I look at him, my dyed blue hair falling on my face as I shyly take it from him, “Thanks.” “Hey…do I know you from somewhere?” The voice. It’s his voice. I blush and hand Jack back his toy and I quickly push the cart away hastily and turn into the next aisle.

         Jack doesnt think much of me on the verge of tears until I stop the cart and hide my face in my hands and I sigh, “Oh my god…please dont let this be real…” Jack stands in the cart, wobbling over and he grabs my arm, “Mommy?” I sniffle and he pulls my arms, “Mommy?” I pull him into my arms, practically squishing him to death and he laughs, “Mommy are you okay?” “I love you so much my little angel, I love you so much-” “[Y/n]?” I turn, seeing him again and he holds out his hand, “Its me…Ashton Irwin, remember me?” I keep my eyes on Jack and Ashton seems confused, “Is this your…son…Wow he’s cute, may I?” “Dont…” I pull Jack away and Ashton looks sad, “Are you still upset over something that happened three years ago?” Jack holds up his hands, “I’m thwee!” I shush him and Ashton looks at me and I look at him, and finally he understands and he gapes, “Holy-” “Hey dont swear!” Jack points a finger at Ashton and Ashton practically sobs, picking Jack up and spinning him, “Oh my god, you are so handsome! Look at you-” Jack looks shy, “Who are you?” “I’m Ashton, I’m your-” “He’s mommy’s friend, come on Jack, lets go get some cookies.” Jack squirms out of Ashton’s grasp and Ashton watches him as Jack excitedly walks and looks back at me and Ashton reaches out, “[Y/n]…I never knew…” “Yeah well you never cared either…too busy touring and sleeping with groupies I’m sure.” He sighs, “Baby-” “Dont.” I walk away from him, abandoning my cart to run after Jack.

       Jack and I stand in the cookie aisle and he snuggles my leg, “Mommy who was that man?” “That was Ashton baby…he’s an old friend of mine.” “Is Ashton gonna be my Daddy?” I swallow hard, “Well Jack…he-” “He is your daddy, always has been…always will be.” Ashton picks Jack up and kisses his forehead, “I’m so sorry I was away for so long…I missed you my sweet angel.” Jack grins widely, “Mommy!” I cross my arms, “Put my son down.” Ashton looks at me, “Why did you dye your hair and-” “Its Jack’s favourite color.” Jack grins widely and Ashton tickles his stomach, “That’s my boy.” I pull him away from Ashton and Ashton frowns, “[Y/n]…I wanna be in Jack’s life-” “Really? You didnt even know he was alive up until four minutes ago, you are never going to see me or my son again-” “Our son.” I blush and I feel tears in my eyes as Ashton kisses my head, “I never stopped…I loved you everyday and every minute for three years…leaving you was the hardest-” “So what are you going to do about it?” He strokes my hair, “Will you go out to dinner with me…if it goes well and I can convince you to take me back you will and if you’re not in love with me anymore then I can send some checks every month and I’ll be gone.” I smile slightly, “Hm…how about this, you come over, I see how you act with Jack, if I like it you can stay the night, if I dont then you leave.” His eyes widen and he nods, “Deal! Deal-” I kiss his cheek, “See you then.” “How am I going to-” “You’ll figure it out, you’re a smart boy.” I turn to the shelves of cookies and pick out the chocolate chip ones and kneel down to Jack, “Lets have cookies for dinner alright?” He cheers and I pick him up and Ashton strokes Jack’s hair as I pass him and we walk to the registers.

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