Calum Imagine #7: New Puppy

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"I'm so excited!" Calum exclaimed. "What should we name him? Should we go buy some toys for him to play with? Oooh, I know! Let's get some treats and teach him tricks tonight!"
"Calum, we already bought a bunch of toys last week. They are sitting in a bag on the counter next to the treats we bought yesterday in preparation for bringing him home today. I think we are well prepared." I laughed.
Calum scooped the puppy up into his arms and kissed the top of his head. "I can't wait to potty train you, buddy!"
"Yeah.....we'd better move that one to the top of the list." I smiled.
Calum's eyes lit up as he ran to the car. "Well let's get started then! Hurry up, slow poke!"

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