Youre pregnant at a meet and greet, and get made fun of

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Luke:It was your first ever meet and greet. You were so excited. It was for your favorite band, 5 seconds of summer. You were about to leave the house with your best friend, you grabbed your doctors note, just in case someone asked if it was alright for you to be at the concert, 7 months pregnant and all. You got to the concert arena, and after all the ticket giving and the other such, you were led to the meet and greet area. It was just you, your best friend a line of fans. Most were teenagers, just like you (which by the way you were 17). You got in line, and finally, you were next. Before you were about to walk over, you were tapped on the shoulder from a fan behind you. "Uh, Yes?" "What the fuck? How old are you?" "Uhm.. I'm 17." You answered confused. "Wow.. And you're pregnant? Slut." The girl said as she smirked. As this went on, Luke over heard it all. "Hey..." He said as he walked over. "Leave her alone." The girl was speechless, she just started at Luke, shocked. You smiled, as you looked at the ground. Once it was your turn, Luke went to you for the picture. He wrapped his arms around your waist, with one hand on your pregnant stomach and another doing a piece sign as he kissed your cheek. After the picture, you both talked and you thanked him for helping you before going on your way.

Calum:You were waiting in line. You were so excited to meet the boys. You felt kind of scared, because of your current pregnancy at your age, but you went anyways, just so excited to finally meet them. You were standing in line, peering at your phone when you heard giggling. You turned around to see a group of teenage girls laughing at you. You rolled your eyes, and turned the other way. About 4 minutes later, you heard them start to speak "Wow. What a whore. Bitch should close her legs." You whipped around and gave them a glare, then turned back to the line up. This went on until you got to the front of the lines. Then it got bad. "She doesnt even deserve to meet the boys. Like what the fuck." You looked down and tears began to stream down your face. You started wiping them, feeling overcoming sadness over this all. You knew you shouldn't of came. But, as you cried you felt a hand touch your shoulder. Looking up, you saw Calum. "Hey, leave her alone you guys. Don't bully her for being pregnant. Least she had sex." He said as he walked off. You and the teenagers were gasping, you couldn't believe what happened. When you went over for your turn to meet them, he hugged you during your picture, and after. "Thank you.." You said with a grin. "Anything for a fan."

Michael:"(Y/N)!" You heard your friend say, snapping you back into reality. You were in the line up for the meet and greet, and you were next. "Oh my gosh." You squealed, excited. You turned to your friend, when you saw a boy behind you both glaring. "Can I help you?" Your friend said, glaring right back at the boy. "Yeah um, her pregnancy is bothering me. What are you? 16?" "17. But my pregnancy shouldn't bother you when it doesn't involve you, so." "Yeah!" You heard a guy say. You turned around and saw Michael, right there standing behind you. "Don't bother her again, okay?" The boy nodded in fear, and he stared at you with a grin, before leading you and your friend to the others. You got your pictures and talked with them, and before leaving you thanked him and kissed him on the cheek.

Ashton:"Alright who is next?" You heard someone call. Finally, after these people you were next. You looked to your sister and grinned in excitment. You were talking about how lucky you felt, when someone tapped you on the shoulder. "Excuse me?" A old woman said with her children. "Your pregnancy at your age is making me and my children uncomfortable." "What do you mean?" You asked tilting your head. "You're teaching them it is alright to do that at your age. How dare you." My sister raised her eyebrows "Okay back up lady. Shes just here for the boys so calm down." The lady rolled her eyes and turned away "Dont look kids." It was your turn, and you walked over to the boys looking sad. "Hey, why do you look sad?" Ashton asked. "That lady yelled at her earlier for her pregnancy." Your sister said. "Oh are you alright? Ignore her. Shes just jealous from how good you look. Now, shall we get these pictures taken?" You bit your lip and nodded, smiling to yourself. You thanked him before leaving, feeling over whelmed from the day.

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