Luke Imagine - You're Younger Than Him

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You were walking down the highstreet, it was a Saturday and you had just been shopping with birthday money you'd received and were struggling with the numerous bags you had to carry. Your mind was caught up in other things so you jumped when you walked straight on into someone. "Shit, sorry," you mumbled, glancing up the the person's tall figure. "It's alright, I should have watched where I was going," he replied, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Me too, actually." He chuckled and for some reason neither of you wanted to carry on your separate ways. Instead, you carried on talking, about boring, simple things at first until you found common ground. "Look, I'm really sorry but I'm going to be incredibly late to the studio, maybe we should carry this on another time?" the boy, who's name you'd learnt was Luke, asked. Your heart sped up a little, "of course, I'd love that," you grinned. After swapping numbers and arranging a 'date', you walked down the street in opposite directions with a huge grin on your face. 

Your heart was beating fast as you stepped into the coffee shop where you'd arranged to meet Luke. You found him already sitting at a table. He broke into a grin when he saw you and stood up to greet you. You ordered your drinks and began to pick up conversation. He was cute, and funny, and you were really starting to like him. After not too long you heard someone call your name, you looked up to find it was someone from your school, you waved and said hello, before returning your attention back to Luke. "Who's that?" he asked. You shrugged, "just someone from school." "School?" You frowned a little, "well, yeah...not everyone drops out of school to start a band Luke," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips. "But...I thought you were my age." Your heart sank a little and so did your head, "nope...I'm 14." He shook his head and took your hand in his. "Okay, so just because you're younger, doesn't mean we can't still like eachother, and that we won't work out." Your head shot up to meet his piercing blue eyes. "You do realise this is only a first date," you giggled, despite knowing yourself that you had already fallen for Luke. "I know," he laughed, "but who knows." "So, you don't think it matters? The age difference, I mean." "No, if I like you, I like you. It's everyone else's problem what they think, not ours." You smiled, "I like your thinking." "We'll have to be careful, though, but I think you're worth it." 

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