Exam Studying

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Luke: “Hey Y/N do you need any help?” Luke asked poking his head around the doorway, as he saw you biting your lip and concentrating on the notes you had for your exams.

"Hm?" you asked, looking up as you took out your earbuds and saw that Luke was there. "Well babe….I was just wondering if you needed any help." Luke said as he shrugged. You smiled. Ever since your exam studying had started Luke had been extremely sweet, and he would make you coffee or tea and he’d go and get dinner (or try and cook it himself) so that you didn’t have to.

"Well you could try and help me look over this for my Calculus class…." you said twirling the pencil in your fingers and Luke walked over and sat beside you. "Hm….." he said furrowing his brow.

"I’m just a little confused by how to get the answer. I checked my answer in the back of my book but it was wrong, and I have no idea why." you stated drumming your nails on the table.

Luke then looked at you and said “I think I may need to call my mum.” “Why?” “Cause she gets this stuff a hell of a lot better than I do!” he stated as he went to go grab the phone.

Calum: You ran a hand through your hair as you stared at the equations in front of you. What did even half of these mean? Well that’s what you were supposed to find out. You sighed as you grabbed your pencil and began to figure everything out.

"Hey Y/N I’m home!" Calum called as he walked in through the door. You were silent, before suddenly you heard his footsteps. "Oh hey Cal." you said glancing up quickly before turning back to your work.

"What’s my little genius up to here?" he asks wrapping his arms around your shoulders and giving the top of your head a kiss. "Stupid algebra." you stated tapping your pencil.

"Well if the algebra is stupid and you’re smart, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to outsmart it right?" Calum joked and you laughed a little and you sad "Thanks."

Calum saw you were busy however, and left you to it. “Chinese or pizza?” he called from the kitchen. “Um, pizza!” you yelled back and you heard him pick up the phone.

A couples hours passed. You had dinner in front of your Math work, as you finally finished the last question, which you had aced. “Yes!” you said rubbing your eyes to see it was only 8:45. You sighed leaning back in your chair.

"Babe?" Calum asked as he saw you were in your chair still. You looked at him and said "I finally finished." Calum smiled and said "Congratulations. And I have a little something for that." You were confused as Calum grasped your hand and led you into the bathroom.

Calum had ran a bath for you, filled to brim with bubbles and rose petals. Surrounding were a bunch of scented candles, as you smiled at how much he had done just for you. “I figured you needed a little stress relief.” he whispered kissing your cheek.

"Oh my god thank you Cal." you said kissing him on the lips. "So um….should I leave you to it?" Calum said before you rolled your eyes and said "Nah just come with me." "Wait what?"

"Come on silly, as if I want to be alone again!" you joked as you two got in the tub, and you two spent the rest of the evening relaxing together.

Michael: “So what’s for dinner?” Michael asked as you suddenly realized, dropping your pencil. “Crap I completely forgot!” you said immediately putting down your English study notes. “What do you want Michael?” you asked as you got up, and retied your hair into a messy bun.

"Hm?" he asked suddenly paying attention. "I was asking what you wanted for dinner!" you said as you went into the kitchen and looked into the fridge to see what you had to work with.

You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. “Y/N…..breathe…..” Michael whispered into your ear. You took a deep breath before saying “Alright. I think we have some pasta-” “Babe, I’ve got an idea.” Michael said twirling you around to him.

"I’ll make dinner!" he said enthusiastically. "Wait what?" you said, not believing the words that had left his lips. "I mean, it’s not that difficult to whip up spaghetti and meatballs right!" Michael said, finding your old apron from the cupboard.

You laughed a little as Michael put it on, and grabbing a wooden spoon, spinning it in his hand and saying “Come on, don’t deny it I look like a professional chef!” “Yes, yes you do.” you giggled as Michael gave a pout and said “Well I’ll prove how amazing my cooking skills are! You go study and I’ll get this dinner together!”

You raised your eyebrow and said “Alright Mikey, whatever you say. Just don’t cause a fire ok?” “Well that’s not guaranteed…..” Michael said as he pulled out a couple pots and pans, as he gazed at them, wondering which one to choose.

You picked one of the pots up and said “I usually use this one for pasta. It’ll make enough for the both of us.” Michael smirked and said “Don’t you have studying to do?”

You rolled your eyes and said “Ok, call me if you need anything.” You went back to your study notes, as you continued to work away at your notes.

Eventually an aroma began to fill the air. You could smell tomato sauce, and the smell of meatballs began to fill the air. “Not bad Michael….” you murmured to yourself. You spoke too soon though, and a burning smell suddenly filled the air.

You ran to the kitchen to see steam rising over the cooker and you said “Michael what’re you burning?” Michael turned around and said “Oh hey babe…..by any chance can you help me now?”

You chuckled and turned off the stove for the meatballs, and finally you two got the dinner together.

"Thanks for making dinner while I was studying." you said as you set up the table. Michael brought both plates and said "Well I have to say that I didn’t do a bad job cooking." You laughed and said "Yeah well you don’t do a bad job at being a boyfriend either." "Thanks darling." Michael said giving you a kiss.

Ashton: “But babeeeeee you’ve been studying all afternoon and I wanna cuddle!” Ashton said wrapping his arms around you. You sighed and said “Sorry Ash but I have to look over my notes for my Biology exam!” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before looking back over to the textbook.

Your Biology exam was tomorrow, and you were super nervous because you knew Biology was gonna be the hardest exam. You bit your lip looking over the terminology before suddenly Ashton spoke up “Why can’t I help you study?”

You giggled a little and said “Alright, try and quiz me on the circulatory system.” You handed him the sheets for the vocabulary. Ashton gripped onto the paper and suddenly his jaw dropped. “Um….alright what’s an artery?” “Easy. Tubes that deliver oxygenated blood through the circulatory system.” you said smiling.

"Alright what’s the capri…..caterpillar thingies?" Ashton said his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. You burst out laughing before saying "You mean capillaries?" "Whatever the hell that is!" Ashton said pulling a face.

This continued on before you had gone through everything together. Turns out you knew your stuff pretty well. “I still don’t get half of what you studied!” Ashton said as he laid down on the couch. You smiled as you laid down beside him and said “Well as long as I do, I think I can pass that exam.”

"So can we cuddle now Y/N?" Ashton asked, pulling a fake pout. You smiled and said "Yeah. We can cuddle now." Ashton grinned as he pulled you close to him, and had his arms wrapped tightly you, your head by his chest.

"Sounds like your heart’s doing fine under all that muscle." you joked nuzzling against him, his heartbeat lulling you. "Yeah well when you’re around everything’s more than fine. It’s perfect." he whispered giving your temple a kiss.

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