You're on your period

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Your lying on the couch, grabbing hold of a pillow trying to take the pains away from your gift from satan, otherwise known as your period. MIkey was out recording at the studio. All you wanted was for him to be home since he always knew how to take care of you. Not to mention the caring side of Mikey was the cutest thing you have ever seen. So for another hour, you sat there, waiting for your savior to come home. All the sudden, you hear the rustling of the lock and a smiley Michael comes walking into the door. He drops his bag on a kitchen chair and walks over to you, engulfing into a hug. Maybe he did not get the hint that your time of the month has arrived and he squeezed to hard, making to yelp in pain. “Whats the matter babe?” he asks sincerely. “Just sometimes i hate being a girl” you sigh laying you head down on his lap. ” Movie night tonight, then?” he asks while pushing the loose strands of hair out of your face. ”That would be perfect, thank you babe” “Anything for my princess” he says walking away to grab food from the kitchen. Mikey comes back with an armful of food and plops it down on the coffee table in front of you. He pops the movie, “Frozen” into the movie player and lays down next to you. He places his hot hands around your stomach, instantly taking pain away. As the movie played, you begun to get tired and since Mikey looked comfortable and he was comforting you, you decided to fall asleep with you in his arm. 15 minutes later, you feel yourself being carried up the stairs to your bedroom. You close your eyes again when suddenly he begins to sing a line to a song you have always loved. “instead of counting sheep i count the stars within your eyes, i wish i could sleep but those stars are way to bright. Its all about you, with or without you” You smirked a little as you felt yourself being tucked into bed. You could never ask for a better boyfriend.

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