Hiding your makeup- Ashton Irwin

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This morning when you woke up it was just like every other morning, you fell into your daily routine and went downstairs.

“Hey babe,” Ashton turned around handing you your morning coffee.

“Thanks,” you smiled and sat down.

“What time do you want to leave?” he asked you. You were going out with Ash into the city since it was your day off.

“Like 11ish,” you answered quietly.

“Well I’m going to go get ready,” you said as you got up and kissed his cheek heading upstairs.

You walked up to your bedroom and started to pull out your day’s outfit; you set it down on your bed and went to do your hair and make-up. You opened your drawer and went to reach for your make-up bag, but there was an empty space.

“What the fuck,” you whispered to yourself. You checked the other cupboards thinking maybe Ashton moved it or something. It wasn’t anywhere to be found. You pinned your hair up in a bun and walked downstairs.

“Ash, where is my stuff?” you asked knowing he would be the only one to hide it on you.

“hmm..” he didn’t turn around to face you. You knew something was up.

“Ashton?” you stretched his name out.

“Yeah babe,” he spun around clearly hiding a grin on his face.

“Do you happen to know where my makeup bag is?” you slowly walked towards him tilting your head to the side.

“No idea,” he laughed. By this time you had your arms around his waist and your head was resting on his chest.

“Babe, I’m not stupid,” you just said resting your chin on his chest now looking up at him. He just smiled and kissed your nose. He then walked away pealing from your body; you followed him.

“I need it!” you said.

“No you don’t,” he said not looking back.

“I’m not leaving without getting ready so you may as well tell me where my stuff is or we aren’t going,” he then stopped and looked at you; you shrugged your shoulders.

“Babe you are so beautiful without makeup, you don’t need to wear it every time we go out,” he said.

“It makes me feel better about myself,” you started walking closer to him.

“You seriously don’t even understand how beautiful you are,” he pulled you into a hug.

“Can you just give me my shit back,” you stood back moaning.

“Fine,” he stretched the word out. He started back to the kitchen, it was under the sink. He opened up the drawer.

“Here you go,” you motioned towards the makeup bag. You grabbed it and then kissed his cheek.

“I love you,” you said before turning around and running upstairs.

“Yeah, I’d hope so!” he chased you up the stairs. He reached you before you got all the way up to the top. He pinned you against the wall and kissed you.

“I love you too,” he just said before allowing you to go get ready.

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