Wedding Speech

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You and Calum had recently gotten married, after signing the marriage certificate you headed to the reception. When you walked into the grand ballroom you were greeted with cheers and smiles. Then the DJ made an announcement “join me in congratulating the happy couple as we witness their first dance. Ladies and gentlemen Mr and Mrs Hood” everyone cheered then ‘You’re my best friend’ by Queen began to play. Calum took your hand and lead you to the dance floor. He pulled you close to him and you wrested your hand on his shoulder and he rested his on your waist and you swirled around the dance floor. All eyes were on the two of you, people were mesmerised by the loving looks the two of you exchanged. The song ended and you kissed each other, camera flashes filled the room as everyone wanted to capture the moment.


The night went on and once the meal was done Calum stood up and used a knife to tap his glass. Everyone instantly fell silent and turned to look at him “hi everyone I’d like to make a speech” he said. “First off thank you for coming it means a lot to the both of us” he said with a smile. “I’d like to talk about this beautiful, amazing woman sat next to me” he said turning his head towards you and you just smiled. “Well where exactly do I start? Well maybe start at the beginning, when I first saw her I instantly wanted to be with her she just fascinated me. I was just mesmerised by her captivating beauty, then on the first date I fell in love with her move. When she spilt her drink over me in the restaurant because she was nervous, and because she’s super clumsy I just kind of knew she was the one for me. Her smile is amazing, she understands the crazy schedule I have and she just deals with it. She doesn’t complain she just supports me and that makes me love her more. Whenever I’m down she cheers me up, usually by doing something clumsy like tripping over the air” he said with a chuckle “but I love her clumsy nature, not only does it amuse me I think it’s really adorable. She’s extremely talented, and kind hearted, her personality is just a beautiful as she is. She accepts my flaws, and even when I can be incredibly annoying and grumpy sometimes she still loves me. And I couldn’t ask for a better wife. I love you Y/N” he said. “I love you too” you smiled and kissed him. “Awwws” filled the room and everyone clapped. The love you two had, was inspiring to everyone.

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