You Get Drunk Together (Calum)

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The day Calum told me he was coming back from tour, I was nervous. He had been my best friend for years and the day before he left was the day that I was finally going to tell him my feelings for him. Unfortunately things got in the way and he left without knowing. We spoke on the phone but it was never the right time to tell him. This was mainly because all he spoke about was his hook ups and banding, as they call it. I slowly tried to distance myself but, unfortunately, Calum wanted to meet up the moment he got home.

"Y/N!" I hear Calum call as he walks into the house.

"How the hell did you get in?" I laugh as I run towards the front door. He opens his arms for me and I run into them.

"You gave me a key remember?" Oh yeah the day I was going to tell you I loved you.

"Right.." I step back from him, "so what’s the plan?" I turn around walk towards the living room.

"I brought lots of beer, so a drunk night in?" He replied as he followed me.

I nodded as we sat down on the couch. Multiple drinks later and we are out of our minds.

"So, Y/N, what about you on the dating front? Anyone you’re interested in?" Calum slurred.

"Nope." I giggle.

"Oh, come on. There’s gotta be someone." He pleads, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. I avoid his eyes and look away but continue to giggle out of intoxication.

"There is! Tell me who it is! Please I’m your best friend!" Calum moves his face so it’s directly in front of mine.

"No. I don’t want to tell you." I said as I get up and stumble to the other couch.

"Come on. Tell me! If I guess will you tell me?" He asked hopefully.

"I guess so." I mumbled but he unfortunately heard me.

"Yes! Josh?" I shake my head.


"What? No!"

"Ashton?" I shake my head.

"Michael?" I shake my head.

"Luke?" I shake my head.

"Me?" He laughs and stay still and silent. His laughter wavers as he sees me remain silent.


"What?" I say quickly, sobering up, "Oh sorry, I was meant to shake my head."

"Oh. For a second there I thought you - never mind." Calum turns his head and gets up.

"Well," he scratches the back of his head, "I think I’m gonna go. I’m just gonna walk." He picks up his jacket and walks towards the front door.

"Wait, Calum, I thought we were having fun." I run to catch up with him.

"We were. It’s just - I should go. See you later, Y/N."

"Wait, what did I do wrong?"

"I thought you liked me for a second there." He turned and opened the door and mumbled, "I thought you finally liked me back." He may have mumbled it but I heard it, even through my intoxication.

"You - you like me?" He grab him before he has time to get out the door.

"Yeah, I mean -"

"But what about all those girls you hooked up with on tour?" I said, not fully understanding the situation.

"Well Ashton gave me some shitting advice about how to get your attention and he said to make you jealous. But you didn’t seem to really react to it the way I had hoped."

"React the way you had hoped? The moment I hung up, I would spend the next few hours crying and convincing myself further that you would never notice me in that way."

"Wait, so you do like me?"

"Of course, you’re Calum fucking Hood." I laugh as he pulls me into a hug.

"Those weren’t the words that I always imagined you saying but that will do." He rests his forehead on mine and looks into my eyes. Finally our lips meet and sparks fly. Sure I had kissed people before but this? This was different, it just felt right.

We pulled away to catch our breath but still remained close to one another.

"So, Y/N, can we officially go on a date?" He steps back inside and closes the door.

"That depends, are we going to finish our drunk night in?"


"Then yes, I will go on a date with you."

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