"I'm no monster" (Ashton Irwin Imagine)

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"FUCKING CHRIST!" I jump, "What!? What is it?" "Fucking Michael was in the studio and he fucking spilled his coffee all over the fucking sound-board and all the fucking progress I made is gone! Fucking every drum track, every vocal, gone!" "Well you can re-record it cant you?" "Yeah but it’ll take fucking forever!" "Ashton-" I reach out and grab his hand and he pushes me slightly, "Stop!" He grips his phone and I cower and sit on the far side of the couch and he throws his phone on the floor and it shatters and he starts screaming but none of it makes sense and I start crying and I run into the bathroom.

       Ashton keeps yelling and screaming at his phone and I lock the bathroom door and sniffle lightly as I feel my body shaking and the yelling stops and there’s a knock on the door and I sit on the sink and I hold my head in my hands and I hear the door-knob being rattled around until the door opens and Ashton walks in, his face all red and his body still rigid with anger but he softens as he sees me, “Babe?” I dont look at him, he walks a little closer, coming in between my legs, “Baby?” He puts his fingers under my chin and lifts it so we’re eye to eye and I shiver slightly, “Please dont hurt me.” He looks like he’s going to cry, “Baby, I’m not going to hurt you…” “I’ve never seen you get so mad Ashton…its awful.” He kisses my forehead, “I’m sorry…I’m really sorry.” He holds my face and my breath is still un-even as he pulls me off the sink and into his arms.

        He holds me close until I calm down and I hold around his neck, “Ashton…I’m sorry.” “Its not your fault, I dont know how he could’ve been so stupid though, it just makes me so…angry, ya know?” “Well obviously.” He laughs, “I didnt think about it, I just flipped out and I should’ve thought about how you would’ve reacted.” “Its okay.” “No, I knew how anxious you get when people get angry and I still did that…I am such an asshole.” “Its okay Ashton, I promise.” He strokes my hair, “Promise?” “I promise.” “Alright, now gimme a squeeze.” I hug him tight and he grins, “There we go.” He kisses my cheek and then my lips softly and I grin, “You’re the best.” “Naw you are.” “No you are.” He holds my hands and he squeezes them lightly, “I promise I’ll try and control my anger a little more.” “Good…and I promise I’ll be here if you want to talk.” “Good.” “I love you.” “I love you too.” He kisses me and with that we walk out of the bathroom and cuddle back up on the couch together.

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