Drunk Confessions

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Calum: You found Calum outside sitting on the hood of his car, sipping on yet another beer. “Calum, come back inside, please. You’re spoiling this whole night for me.” It was your birthday, and Calum was upset for whatever reason. He was being mopey and miserable and finally escaped the party to come outside. “You know I don’t mean to ruin the night for you, Y/N. I want this night to be perfect for you. But if I have to listen to that jackass talk to you like that the rest of the night, I’m gonna kill him.” You knew Cal didn’t like your boyfriend, but you had no idea it ran so deep. “Calum, I’m not going to get into this with you right now. We’ll talk when you aren’t pissed drunk,” you snap at him. As you turn to walk back inside, Calum slides off the hood of the car and grabs you by the wrist. You spin around, expecting to fight with him, but Calum leans down and presses his full lips against yours. “You don’t need him, Y/N. But I need you.”

Ashton: It was the middle of the night when your phone started ringing loudly. You didn’t even bother looking at the name on the screen before you answered. “Hello?” you answer groggily. “Y/N! I’m so glad you answered the phone,” a familiar voice slurred on the other end. “Ashton? Why the hell are you calling me in the middle of the night? Are you drunk right now?” You couldn’t mask the annoyance in your voice. “Yes, I am. I am very drunk. But this was the only way that I could gain the courage to finally call you. I still love you, Y/N. I love you so much, and we shouldn’t have broken up.” Ashton was speaking quickly into the phone. “Ashton, what are you talking about? We can talk about this when you are sober. I’m going back to bed,” you say. “I know I’m drunk and you probably don’t believe me, but this is all true. I’ll wake up tomorrow and be sober and I will still be missing you and wanting to love you. Please, Y/N. Let’s try again.”

Luke: You and Luke were both heavily buzzed and giddy after a late night of bar hopping with the band. You had been secretly in love with your best friend for a long time now, but he had a girlfriend, and you were not about to jeopardize your friendship by confessing your feelings. She had gone home over a week ago, but Luke never seemed upset about it. You were walking down the sidewalk toward the hotel everyone was staying at. The rest of the group was way ahead of you two, but you were more than happy to have some private time with Luke. You caught yourself staring at him a few times, and your cheeks were flushed. Luke, who was even more drunk than you’d realized, draped his arm lazily around your shoulder. “You know, Y/N, I don’t even miss her.” You looked up at Luke, a shocked expression sweeping across your face. “I don’t! I don’t miss her. I wish I had the guts to end things with her. I’m so much happier when I’m with you. I should just date you instead. How does that sound?”

Michael: Michael had definitely been the bartenders best customer tonight, and you were guiding him back to his hotel room. You coaxed his key card out of his pocket as he gave a loud laugh. “You’re such a good friend to me, Y/N. Like, you are seriously SO amazing.” You finally got Michael into his room and you wasted no time shoving him onto the fluffy white bed. “You need some sleep, Mike. You’ll pay for all of this fun in the morning,” you say gently. He flopped onto his back, and you begin taking his shoes off for him. “God, I love you, Y/N.” “I love you, too, Mikey. Go to sleep,” you say with a smile. “No, I mean I am IN love with you. I have been for such a long time. You’re just so nice and soft and sweet and…” Michael’s slurred speech drifted off with him to sleep. You stared blankly at him for a minute until a giant smile spread across your face. You quietly changed out of your dress and into one of Michael’s many t-shirts, climbing into bed next to him. He stirred a little, feeling you next to him. He rolled on his side and pulled you in closer to him. “I love you, Y/N,” he whispered.

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