How You Meet: Michael

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You were standing in line waiting for the newest gaming system. Your little brother’s birthday was next week and all he could talk about was how bad he wanted it, so you being the amazing big sister that you are decided to stand in line and buy it for him. You of course didn’t want to stand in line alone, so you brought your best friend along with you for the wait. She had complained at first because there was a new club opening downtown and anyone who was anyone would be there.

“I can’t believe you’re making me stand in line for this stupid thing” she says.

“I didn’t want to be here alone and besides we only have like 18 more hours to wait” you say.

“18 hours! You expect me to stand here all night?” she asks.

“Yeah, that or you could sit on the sidewalk” you say.

She glances at the sidewalk and frowns, shaking her head.

“Y/n, I love you and your brother to death and I know how bad he wants this stupid gaming system. But…the club opens in like an hour and I’m going to miss it. You know how bad I’ve been wanting to go. Plus I need to use the bathroom” she says.

“They have those port-a-potty things over there” you say pointing.

“There is no way I’m using one of those disgusting things” she says.

“Fine, you can go but don’t expect your name to come up when he asks who the present is from” you say.

She hugs you squealing in delight.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much right now y/n, I promise I’ll make it up to you” she says.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go already” you say.

“I’ll see you later. Call if you need me” she says walking off.

You shake your head and lean back against the wall behind you, closing your eyes. You had been standing in line since 8 this morning and you still had a long night ahead of you.

“He better be glad I love him” you say to yourself.

“I’m sure he will be” a voice says.

You look beside you and find yourself looking at a boy around your age.

“Oh, did I say that out loud?” you ask.

He chuckles, “yeah but don’t worry I won’t tell.”

“You here for the new gaming system?” you ask.

“Yeah, you?” he asks.

“My brother really wants one and his birthday is next week” you say.

“Well aren’t you the greatest sister ever, I’m Michael” he says.

“Y/n, and I would like to think so” you say.

“Was that your friend that just left?” Michael asks.

“Yeah, there was some new club opening downtown that she wanted to go to.”

“Oh yeah, my bandmates headed down that way too” he says.

“Bandmates?” you ask.

“Yeah, I’m in a band. Maybe you’ve heard of us” he says.

“Maybe, what’s your band called?” you ask.

“5 Seconds of Summer” he says.

Just then realization dawns on you, you were talking to Michael Clifford.

“You’re Michael Clifford aren’t you?” you ask.

“One and only” he says.

“Wow” you say.

“You a fan?” he asks.

“A little” you say blushing.

He chuckles, “ no reason to be embarrassed love.”

You and Michael spend the rest of the night getting to know one another and soon you leave the store with a new gaming system and Michael’s phone number.

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