Luke Imagine

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You’re Famous but He Isn’t and Ends up Getting You Pregnant

You were currently sitting in front of a middle aged woman with a microphone clipped on her shirt. You had one attached to you too, and your co-star Logan Lerman was trying to fix his onto the hem of his shirt. You had starred in the latest movie with Logan as his love interest, although you shared kisses on screen it did not mean that you two were together. Every single interview that question was asked, and you would both deny it because you were with someone.

After you helped Logan with his mic the interview continued and there were many funny moments. But in the end, the interviewer asked the infamous question and the two of you sighed at the same time.

"No, we’re not together. We’re just really close," Logan answered for you while smiling. You looked over at him from your chair and smiled quickly before turning back to the interviewer.

"Really? It looks like (Y/N) was giving you some loving glances right there," she smiled and leaned backwards in her chair as Logan turned to look at you.

"I’m completely in love with Logan," you joked. He smiled and leaned closer to you, your noses bumping each other. His eyes seemed to glisten as he looked down into yours, his lips getting closer to yours. You were used to his kiss. You’ve had to kiss him a gazillion times for this one movie.

But the two of you pulled back from each other before you could kiss, and the interviewer complained. She wanted to see a real kiss. It wouldn’t be real at all though because you weren’t interested in Logan. You don’t know if he’s interested in you, but…

"I have a boyfriend. His name is not Logan Lerman,” you clarified as you sat up in your chair, your hand on your knee that was crossed over your leg.

"Who is your boyfriend? I’ve seen you mention him before in other interviews but there’s not photo proof."

"Umm…. Well, I guess I could say…" You looked over to Logan and shrugged. He was sort of the one who helped you get him as your boyfriend. He was the one to help you through this relationship throughout everything that’s been going on. "His name’s Luke. I met him while we were filming six months ago, he was a background character. He may not seem like much to everyone else there, but, to me now he means a lot."

"It was funny when she first met him because she actually pushed him to the ground," Logan laughed at the memory.

"It was an accident! I wasn’t being rude to him or anything—"

"Why would you shove a background character to the ground?" The interviewer perked up.

Your face went red with anger. He’s so much more than a background character. Why would she just label him as that? “I was playing tag with Logan and Chloe with water guns, but I didn’t have a water gun because they attacked me and then I ran through the set, which was full of people, and they were chasing me while spraying water. I was running through the crowd and trying to get away and find my own water gun when I stumbled into Luke, who is over six feet tall and I can’t get around him so I sort of shoved him—”

"Pushed," Logan snorted.

"Aside and he stumbled and fell so I had to help him up," you shot daggers at Logan. "And then Logan and Chloe found me and sprayed all of the water from their guns at me but Luke was kind enough to cover me with himself and lend me his jacket afterward." You smiled at the memory and so did Logan. You were happy you didn’t keep running away from Chloe and Logan, you were extremely happy with your ridiculously tall Australian boyfriend, but you still haven’t gone entirely public about the two of you.

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