What kind of boyfriend he'd make

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Ashton: Even though he’s a big five year old, he’s very motherly and caring. He’ll be really protective over you, putting your health and safety first. I also think being with this loser boy will be filled with taking ridiculous selfies, organizing all his bandanas and fighting with his drums for his attention. Oh, and lots of bear hugs and kisses!

Calum: He’ll be the most playful out of all the boys, constantly tickling your sides and pinching your cheeks. As he does this he’ll comment on how cute you are or tell you how lucky he is to have you. He’ll also love giving you piggy back rides or carrying you bridal style until you both fall over from laughter!

Luke: Since he’s usually the most reserved, you’ll probably have to step up and get him out of his comfort zone. And he will from time to time and catch you by surprise. He’ll be the sappy boyfriend who will occasionally throw some corny pick up lines here and there because we all know he’s so good at those. 

Michael: He’s an adorable little kitten, so I see him getting the most attached. He’ll cling onto you, as he places his arm around you and steals a few kisses in the process. He’ll be the one who gets jealous very easily as well, so he’ll want everyone to know you’re his and only his. He literally won’t be able to keep his hands off of you!

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