Preference: He finds out you can sing and play the same instrument as him

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ASH: Ashton is a god at the drums, it wasn’t a secret. But you were pretty good, too. One day at sound check, he brought up the fact that you should learn how to play. “I already know,” you told him walking over to the drum stool. “Really?” Ashton asked excitedly. You nodded taking the drum sticks from him and started playing the tune of She Looks So Perfect. He smiled widely and started to sing. You joined in quickly. “Man, she can sing,” Calum said walking on to the stage. You stopped playing, but Ashton encouraged you to continue. “Ash, I think she might be better than you,” Luke said taking a seat to listen to you play and sing. Ashton just shook his head and looked at you in admiration. 
CAL: You didn’t think Calum would be home for several more hours so you grabbed your dusty guitar and began to sing Therapy by ATL. Calum didn’t know you could play, and you wanted to keep it that way. You knew he’d try to push you into the music business if he heard you sing and play the guitar so you kept the talent to yourself. You were too occupied by the beautiful chords to notice Calum standing there listening. He watched you with awe and waited for you to finish up. He clapped and took a seat beside you when the song had come to the end. “Why didn’t you tell me you could play and sing? Y/N, you’re amazing.” You smiled to yourself and shrugged. “It never came up, I guess. I’m not that good anyways.” Calum’s eyes popped out of his head. “Not that good? You hit every note, you did it better than the original singers!”

MIKEY: You were in the park singing and playing guitar for a small crowd of people. It was your usual Saturday. You were on your last song and the crowd only increased. There was about a hundred people there and it made you happy. After the little show, you started to pack up. A guy stayed behind to help you. “I’m Michael Clifford. You’re really good, you know?” He asked taking a seat on the bench. You shrugged and sat beside him. “I’m alright, I guess. I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N.” He smiled brightly and shook your hand. “I can play, too. I’m in a band named 5 Seconds of Summer. You probably have never heard of us.” You knew that Michael was in 5SOS. You were a big fan. “Well, Michael, we should sing and play together sometime. Yeah?” You asked and wrote your name and number on his hand. LUKEY: You were filming a YouTube video for your channel. Luke decided to join you in the filming process. You had decided to answer the fan questions. “Can you play the guitar? Or maybe sing?” You read aloud. “Yeah, actually I can do both.” Luke hurried to get you the guitar because he hadn’t known you had this talent. “Play something,” he encouraged. You decided to play Disconnected to make Luke happy. When you finished the song, he tackled you on the bed. “You were terrific!” He exclaimed sitting on your stomach. You giggled and put the guitar to the side. “Babe,” he said,”we should collab.” He had completely forgot about filming and kissed you on the forehead and then on the lips. “Cutie,” he mumbled.

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