He's away and comes home and sees the bump

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Ashton - 

Ash has been away for 4 weeks right now you’re 21 weeks pregnant. And since the last time you saw Ashton, you’re bump has become a lot bigger. 

You were heading to the airport to pick up Ashton, he’s been in LA doing a few shows and writing sessions. 

"Flight 265 from LA, is now landing, Gate 7A." The announcer said through the speakers. 

You made your way there, people letting you by as you kind of waddled. You stood outside the gate and waited for Ashton to come through with the boys. However you were getting really impatient, as it hurt your feet to stand for a long time. You were about to turn around and sit down until you felt a pair of hands covering your hands, you recognised straight away as Ashton’s. You gently pulled the hands off and turned around, and hugged him as tight as you could but your bump did get in the way. 

"Whoa babe, how big is your bump now, I only left 4 weeks ago." Ashton smiled while placing his large hands on your stomach. "You go to remember Ash I am pregnant with twins." You chuckled as he pulled you into another hug.

Calum - 

Calum started touring again, he’s been away for 2 weeks which might not seem like a long time but when you’re pregnant you bump grows massively. Beeing 14 weeks it went from a little bulge like you ate a bit too much to a small little pop belly. 

Calum was coming home to see you for a few days. He said he would just go to the house so you didn’t have to stress about getting through the airport. 

Calum should be home at any time, you couldn’t wait to see him. “Hey babe.” Calum said casually while walking into the sitting room. “Hey, I’ve missed you.” You answered back.

"And I’ve missed you too, jesus."

"What?" You replied slightly panicking. 

"Your bump is huge!" Calum said, straight away putting his hands on your little pop belly.

"Cal it’s hardly anything." You laughed.

"Yeah but still a bloody bump!" You laughed at your husbands reaction.

Michael - 

When Michael texted you saying that he was allowed to come home for a week before he had to go to going on tour, you were delighted. You noticed in the small amount of time that he’s been away that your bump has grown. 

You smiled looking down rubbing your hand gently over the top of it, you knew that this was the right decision. Even if most of your family has disowned you, you had this baby. 

You were so trapped in your thoughts you didn’t even hear the front door open. You only realised he was home when he kissed the top of your head.

"What are you thinking about? How sexy and beautiful the father of our child is?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah of course Mikey, now come here I want a hug." You got up and moved to your boyfriends arms.

"Babe why are you so far away from me?" Michael pouted.

"Cause of this bump maybe?" You said giggling.

"Whoa its big, can I take a picture, please Y/N. Please. Please." He pleaded with you.

"Yeah Michael of course."

Luke - 

Over the past few weeks you’ve been home alone. Liz has been popping over every once in a while to see how you and the bay is doing. She loved the fact that she was going to be a Grandma. 

"Y/N you’re glowing, it might just be that beautiful bump of yours." Liz smiled

"Thanks Liz, and yeah it’s gotten big hasn’t it." 

"Jesus it has." 

You snapped your head to find that similar voice that you have came to love.

"Luke what are you doing back."

"I’ve came to see you it was a surprise, Mum was in on it." Pointing to Liz who just shrugged and smiled. "But you have gotten big, Y/N at least we know the baby is growing." Luke chuckled. You laughing at your boy friends dorkiness.  

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