First date

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#5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sos imagine#5sos preference#5sos preferences#5 seconds of summer imagine#5 seconds of summer imagines#5 seconds of summer preference#5 seconds of summer preferences#luke hemmings#ashton irwin#michael clifford#calum hood

MichaelYour first date with Mikey wasn’t arranged in a traditional way. He didn’t really ask you out on a date; Ashton forced it on you. Basically, you met the both of them in a bar and after some talking you found out that Michael and you both loved the same video game. Ashton had joked that he should take you home to play it, and all you needed was a shared look and suddenly you found yourself in a cab. And now you were sitting on the floor in front of his TV, screaming and yelling and cursing because you were losing and you weren’t happy with that. “Nooo!” you called out, chucking your controller against the floor in frustration. “That’s so unfair!” “It’s not unfair, you just suck,” Mikey grinned, smugly looking at the screen, where it displayed that he had won once again. “I’m normally much better at this game,” you whined. “It must be that I’m even better,” he responded dryly, to which you sarcastically smiled at him. “It must be your sparkling personality and boyish good looks that are distracting me. Besides,” you picked up the controller again, “aren’t you supposed to let me win?” “Why would I do that?” He restarted the game. “Because that’s what boys do when they like girls, don’t they? They let them win.” He chuckled. “You’re a boy expert now?” But then, he pressed a button and suddenly, the screen flashed. You won. “I didn’t even do anything!” you exclaimed. “Did you just die on purpose?” He shrugged, throwing the controller on the floor, as he moved a little bit closer. “Guess I must really like you.” 

Calum: “Where are we going?” you asked, as soon as you stepped into the car. He just smirked. “Hey, nice to see you again. I’m good, thanks, how are you? You look beautiful, by the way. Yes, I do guess I clean up nicely.” “You didn’t clean up at all,” you teased, looking at his appearance. “The only thing that changed is that your shirt is in one piece today.” “Right? No holes and everything. Aren’t you proud of me?” He was referring to the jokes you always made about his shirts. You’d known him for a while and in the beginning, you weren’t looking to be more than friends, so you’d decided to go with the teasing, brotherly attitude. Hadn’t worked; you’d still hit it off with Calum and eventually you’d given in and said yes to going on a date with him. “So where are we going?” you repeated your earlier question. “Surprise.” You would ask again, but you knew him well enough that he wasn’t going to tell you. You drove for about an hour, having no idea where you went, and Calum cleverly avoiding every single question you asked that could tell you where you were going. And then, suddenly, you saw a road sign, and it was like a light went off in your head. “Cal?” you asked. “Fuck, you figured it out, didn’t you?” he growled. “I knew I should’ve taken a different way but I…” “We’re going to a concert?!” you interrupted, excitement taking over your body. “You know how you said you hadn’t been able to get tickets to that band that you really like?” You didn’t let him finish, a weird sound escaping your lips, as your hand grabbed his arm in excitement. He giggled. “Careful, babe, I’m driving. You can thank me when we get there.” 

Luke: He’d really tried. He’d planned the whole date; he’d picked out a really nice restaurant. The only thing he forgot to do? Make a reservation. And the problem with really good restaurants was that they filled up pretty quickly. “I’m such an idiot,” he mumbled. You were walking through the streets of the city, darkness already falling around you, looking for another place to eat. To be honest, you couldn’t really care less where you’d end up having dinner. But Luke was feeling guilty, and it didn’t matter what you said, he wouldn’t stop moping. “It’s fine!” you said, for the tenth time that night, “I told you, I really don’t care. We can find another restaurant.” He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But I wanted to make it perfect and…” “And it is,” you cut him off, reaching for his hand. “Stop being a buzzkill.” A smile fell over his face, as you intertwined your fingers with his. For a couple of minutes, you just walked, in silence. There was something magical about the city lights and the background noises of people living their lives around you, while all you could feel was your hand in his and your heart beating out of your chest. “You know, we could make this crappy date even crappier and get some incredibly bad pizza at that scary looking wreck of a pizza place on the corner,” Luke said, and you laughed. “Luke, that’s the best idea you’ve had all evening. And it’s not a crappy date. Actually, it’s a pretty damn good one.” 

Ashton: Everyone knew Ashton had no trouble with chitchat. Actually, he was great at it. If you wanted someone to mindlessly talk with about things that didn’t really matter, or even things that did, you went to Ashton. But this time, it was different. At least, that’s what he had convinced himself. Because being around you got him tongue-tied and stumbling, as was demonstrated when he could barely get the words out to ask you on this date in the first place. So he’d decided to take you to the movies; at least he didn’t have to talk, and if he was lucky you’d be too focused on the movie to notice him staring at you. Which you were. “That was a great movie,” you exclaimed, as soon as the lights turned on. “That ending scene though, that’s was amazing!” “Yeah,” he said, even though he had no idea what you were talking about because he’d basically seen nothing of the movie, just the way your eyes lit up when you laughed and the outlines of your face. You stepped into the cold air together. “I had a great time, Ash,” you smiled, and suddenly, nerves took over him. He didn’t want it to be over yet. He had barely heard your voice, he hadn’t had the opportunity to make you laugh, and suddenly he wanted all that to happen. “Do you have to go yet?” he blurted out, his cheeks immediately turning red. “I mean, if you don’t… I mean if you’d like to, we could… Well I don’t really know but if you don’t have to go just yet…” “How about drinks?” you smiled, taking his hand in yours. Because if you were honest, you really weren’t ready for this night to be over yet.

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