Troubled Time on Tour || Luke Hemmings Imagine

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"[Y/N], please. You have to come and see him! He will not shut up." Ashton’s voice sounded desperate on the other side of the call. I giggled a bit and shook my head, looking around my crazy house.

"Ash, I would love to, trust me. But, my mom needs help with my siblings since my dad is out of town. Maybe when he come back..?" A groan was heard followed by some mumbles and more groaning. There was some noise, as if the phone was being passed to someone and soon Michael’s voice was heard.

"We’ll send you a babysitter or something to help her. Please, [Y/N]! All he does is cry and whine about he misses you." My mother stared at me and when I looked at her, she gave me a questioning look. 

"Hold on, guys." I held the phone to my chest and sighed, "Apparently Luke is complaining about not seeing me and the other boys want me to go and surprise him. I told them I had to stay and help but, they were saying how they would send someone to come help. How stupid does that soun-"

"That sounds like a great idea! Maybe the babysitter can watch while I go out on a girls night." She clapped her hands together and my mouth dropped.

"You didn’t even let me finish! I am very hurt you would rather someone else come help instead of me." An expression of fake hurt came on my face and my mother rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up, [Y/N]. All you do is complain about missing Luke and text Luke about missing him. You’re hardly a help." My eyes widened as I heard the boys on the phone make noises. My mom let out a laugh and yelled from across the room, "Send me a babysitter and I’ll send my daughter!" 

"I’ll have one on a plane there in an hour, Mrs. [Y/L/N]" Ashton giggled before Calum’s laugh came through the phone.

"See you soon, [Y/N]." The call died and I stared at my mom. 

"You know, you may have done some good here." She rolled her eyes and threw a towel at me.

"Go pack while I try to tie down the munchkins." I laughed, catching the towel before I ran up the stairs.

~ The Next Day ~

"[Y/N], you better be careful. Don’t do anything stupid for the week you’re gone." My mothers voice was full of warning and I rolled my eyes.

"By stupid do you mean sex?" She slapped my arm and a laugh fell from my lips. "I’m not stupid mom. Besides, Luke isn’t into that, you know that!" 

"Just be careful." She waved me off to board the plane and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah. I’ll text you once I’m there, love you!" A warm smile found its way to her face and she blew me a kiss before I walked through the tunnel to board the plane. 

*Skipping plane ride because nothing exciting really*

I walked outside and looked around for the car that was coming to pick me up. Ashton had told me took look for a light blue convertible and so far, it was no where to be seen.

"Hey, [Y/N]!" A familiar voice yelled, followed by the beep of a car. I turned and saw Ashton sitting in the drivers side of the convertible.

"Why hello Ashton. Fancy seeing you here." I pulled on my bag and walked to the car quickly. He hopped out of the car and pulled me into a giant hug.

"I’ve missed your annoying presence." He mumbled into the hug and chuckled before pulling away, taking my bag. "Luke is going to be so surprised. He thinks I’m going to get Nandos." 

"Seriously? He’s going to be pissed when he sees you have none."

"Very true. But, he will be ecstatic when he sees you instead of the Nandos.” He shot me a wink before starting up the car. I got in and unlocked my phone, texting my mom. A text from Luke appeared seconds after I texted my mom.

Luke: i miss ur beautiful face :-(

Ashton shook his head and sighed. “Prince misses his princess. Hard to believe, I know.”

"Has he been talking about me that much?" Ashton’s eye widened as he nodded.

"Yes. Every two seconds is ‘I miss [Y/N]’ or ‘Did you guys know that [Y/N] and I did blah blah?’ God, so annoying!" As he continued to complain I texted Luke back quickly.

Me: u will see it soon enough my love x

"You guys are gross." Ashton slowed the car at a light and wiped his hair out of his eyes. 

"Are you ever gonna get your hair cut?" 

"Nope." He looked at me quickly before he began to drive again. "Now, when we get there, they will probably be rehearsing."

"Without you?" He rolled his eyes and pulled into a parking lot that was blocked off by a few buildings.

"I’ll just jump into the song, no big deal. I’ve been practicing all day." The car turned off and Ashton motioned for me to get out. He took my bag out and handed to a man who appeared out of nowhere. Well, not really. He must’ve walked over when I wasn’t paying attention.

"Now, follow me and if you see Luke anywhere, hide." He took my wrist and led me into one of the buildings surrounding the parking lot. Guitars and singing were heard in the distance followed by the sound of Michael yelling at someone.

"Luke, quit texting [Y/N] and focus!" Ash let out a chuckle and my phone lit up.

Luke: im being yelled at ill ttyl ok bye

I raised an eyebrow at the text and heard Luke yell back. 

"Michael give me my phone back!" 

"Not until the end of rehearsal!" Michael’s voice shot back and Luke’s sigh was heard from the microphone. I giggled at the two bickering and Ashton led me to the side of the entrance to the stage.

"Stay here. When I start playing, you walk in. Do a cute little thing to make yourself noticeable to Luke and then he’ll shut up." He talked quickly and walked away, giving me a smile. "Will you pansies shut up and rehearse?" 

"We’re trying but, lover boy here won’t stop texting his ‘princess’." Calum teased Luke and I could almost hear Luke’s lips turning into a frown.

"Let’s just play Amnesia." Luke mumbled into the mic and Ashton began to bang on his drums softly. Calum’s voice filled the room and I smiled. Luke would wanna play that song. It was my favorite off the album so, therefore…he loved it. I poked my head out and saw all of them facing a giant window. Once Calum’s solo ended I walked up behind Ashton and tapped his back. He continued to play and raised an eyebrow mouthing a "what?".

"Can I use your mic? I’m gonna…do something." I whispered and my words were quick. He nodded and moved over so I was able to talk into it. Luke’s eyes were closed as he sang and his eyebrows moved with every note. Their voices were all perfectly harmonized together as the chorus began to end. 

"Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you. And the memories I never can escape.." I took a deep breath before singing out the next lyrics softly with Luke.

“’Cause I’m not fine at all..” My voice was high compared to his. Once he heard my voice, his eyes looked around the room until he turned around and spotted me.

"[Y/N]?" A grin was forming on his lips as he placed his guitar down, opening his arms. I let out a laugh before running and jumping into his long arms. 

"Surprise." I whispered as he spun me around. He let out a laugh and pulled his head away, looking at me.

"I…you…guys?" He looked around and Michael laughed.

"Surprise stupid." I giggled as Luke looked back at me with another grin. He pressed a kiss to my lips and smiled when we both pulled away.

"I’ve missed you so much, [Y/N]." I let my hands run through his hair and smiled.


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