Sleepless Nights

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Luke: You couldn’t sleep. Believe it, you had tried. For the past three hours you had tried. Yet you continued to turn over; not feeling like you could get comfortable without Luke holding on to you. And he was half way around the world. Well shit. Finally, you flopped onto your back in defeat, letting out a heavy sigh and glancing at your phone.

What time would it be where Luke was? 

You reached for your cell phone, waking it up to your familiar lock screen of you and Luke making very silly faces, his eyes crossed and you making classic selfie duck face, crossing your eyes and holding up the “punk rock” hands Ashton always did. You had found yourself even missing Ashton’s antics now that he was off as well. Sighing once more, you unlocked your phone and dialed Luke’s familiar number, putting the phone to your ear and waiting for him to pick up. 

"Hello?" He mumbled, clearly sleepy.

"Hi Lukey," you murmured into the phone, turning onto your side.

"Hi baby. What are you doing up? It’s late where you are," he said and you could hear the shuffling of the other boys in the background. 

"I can’t sleep," you admitted. "It’s not the same with you gone," 

"I know what you mean. Calum’s cuddles just aren’t the same as yours," he chuckled and you heard Calum yelling in the background about how his cuddles are, and you quote, “the best Luke could ever hope to get” until you gave a giggle. There was a moment of laughter from both of you but it died out and went quiet, the only sounds coming from the other boys goofing off and screaming at each other. 

"How can I help?" He murmured after a moment. It occurred to you how beautiful his voice sounded, soft and soothing with that gorgeous accent of his.

"Come back?" You suggested weakly, giving a meek chuckle afterwards.

"Believe me, I want nothing else than to have you with me," Luke said, lowering his voice further. It was so calming to hear him talk.

"God I’m so pathetic," you chuckled, returning to lie on your back. "You’re gone for a week and I already want you back," 

"Hey there’s nothing wrong with that. It just means you care. But get some rest beautiful. I’ll see you soon," he said, his voice perfectly lovely.

"Thanks Luke,"

"Hey baby?" He interrupted right as you were about to say goodbye.

"Yeah Luke?"

"I love you. Sleep well," he said and you heard the other boys break out teasing him. You giggled.

"I love you too Luke. Call me after your show," and with that the two of you disconnected the call and you were able to sleep, dreaming that Luke was back with you.

Mikey: It was a stupid fight really. And you thought it had gotten fixed a little before the two of you went to bed but things just weren’t normal right now. You both faced opposite walls of the bedroom, your backs to each other and no contact at all. There was even a little blanket wall in between the two of you. 

This is stupid. You rolled to your back, heaving a sigh and staring up at the ceiling.

"Can’t sleep?" Michael murmured, rolling to his back as well, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. 

"Nope," you replied, popping the p. 

"Me either," he stated. There was a long pause where neither of you spoke, both far too stubborn to be the one that broke to apologize first. Finally you gave a sigh of defeat, turning onto your side and propping your head up on your elbow so you could look at Mikey. His eyes met yours but he made no effort to move off his back.

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