Luke Imagine: Valentines Day

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You were in the kitchen eating breakfast when you realized today was February 14th. That means Valentines Day. You did not like Valentines day. You never did because you thought it was annoying and stupid. You were dating Luke now, but that didn't change your opinion on it. People should love you with all heart heart and treat you special every day, not treat you special just for one day. You still thought you and Luke should at least something because knowing him he has probably something planned. After you finished breakfast, you heard a knock at the door. You went to open the door to see Luke standing there with a box of chocolate. "Happy Valentines day babe!" He said with a huge grin on his face and gave you a sweet kiss. "Happy Valentines day Luke" You both walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He handed you the chocolate, which you right away started to eat, since chocolate was your favorite. "So what do you want to do today?" Luke asked as he wrapped his arm around you kissing the top of your head. "We could go out to dinner, go see a movie, whatever you want to do." Luke said listing things to do. You didn't really want to do any of that. Like you said before, you never really liked Valentines day. "I kinda just want to stay home today and relax." You answered not looking at him directly. "Oh you don't want to do anything special? It's Valentines day we should do something special and exciting." Luke said, sounding confused as to why you wouldn't want to do anything. "I'm not a big Valentines day person. It really has no meaning to me." You said, being honest with him. He looked a little confused, but also a little hurt because he planned on doing so much today. "Why don't you like Valentines day? It's a day of love and where couples show how much they truly love each other." He asked. "Well they should do that every day, not treat them any more special for one day." You said as you placed the chocolate on the table across from you. "I'm sorry if I ruined it for you. I'm just not a Valentines person, I never was. I'm sorry if you had special plans for today. If you still want to do those things we can-" You were about to finish your sentence, but Luke had cut you off by kissing you to shut you up. "We don't have to do anything special because it's Valentines day. If you just want to sit at home a day and relax, that's fine. I'm perfectly okay with whatever you want to do. If you don't like Valentines day that's fine with me. We can just sit here all day." His words made you smile. You kissed him again and thanked him. "So what do you want to watch on TV?" Luke asked. "hmmm American Horror Story?" You asked. "Sounds good to me, babe." Luke answered, while pulling you in for another kiss. This time the kiss was deeper and lasted longer. Just as things were about to get heated, you heard the door unlock and pulled away right before you saw your mom walk in the door. "Hi (Y/N), oh I see you have Luke over. What are you guys doing today for Valentines day?" Your mom asked you. "Nothing. We just plan on sitting at home all day like any other day." You answered your mom's question while smiling at Luke. Your mom looked at you confused and walked away. You turned on American Horror Story and cuddled next to Luke and began to watch the TV. You guys did this all day on this lovely Saturday and it was absolutely perfect. This was all you ever wanted and it couldn't have been any more perfect. Luke turned to you and gave you a sweet kiss. He stared into your eyes and said, "Happy Saturday (YN)." He lightly laughed and you did as well. You kissed him again. "Happy Saturday Luke."

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