He admires you when you're sleeping *HIS POV

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I couldn’t sleep tonight. I know if she woke up she would call me creepy but I can’t help it. The way the moonlight hits her jaw line perfectly makes my heart race. Her long, makeup free lashes the fall gracefully over her eyes takes my breath away. Her slim body fit perfectly into mine as she was little spoon. I moved my arm to push the hair out of her face. I don’t know how she had fallen in love with me. She was perfect in every way. It hurt me to know the things people saw on Twitter hurt her because she’s nothing but perfection. Her tank top had risen a tad to show her tan, flat stomach. She’s all I want in life. I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with her.

“I love you gorgeous. To the moon and back.”


She had fallen asleep during the movie but I had been afraid to move her so she didn’t wake. I watched as she slept curled up into my lap. Her plump lips were slightly open as soft snores left her mouth. She insisted on wearing her footie pajamas tonight. A small smile spread across my lips at the previous conversation. I worried she would be hot but she insisted she would be fine. And she was. She was like fine china to me. To precious to me to break. Perfection. She was like nothing I had ever seen. She makes my heart race and takes my breath away every time I see her. The feeling never gets old either. I could feel my eyes dropping but I knew she would wake up hurting from sleeping on the couch all night. I picked her up bridal style to take her to bed.

“There’s nothing more precious than you”


It had been a long day for us. She had wanted to come along and do stuff with the boys and I. We were used to the business but she wasn’t. The day was filled with photo shoots, interviews, and promo for the album but I’m glad she came. The way her eyes lit up all the new things. She would jump around excitedly when something caught her attention. She’s so kind to the fans and I’m happy they get along. The smile she kept on her face all day could make anyone’s heart melt. I couldn’t quite sleep yet but she softly was snoring away. I was on my back as she curled herself into my chest. Her long blonde hair fell to the sides of her face in a big mess. Her makeup free eyes fluttered for a second before going still. She looked so pure and beautiful. These were my favorite moments. To be able to just watch her. I knew we would last forever.

"It’s you and me against the world baby."


She had been sick for 2 weeks. Today was not a good day for her. I need to go to the arena, but I couldn’t leave her by herself. I had no choice but to bring her along. She was running a high fever and continues to throw up. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her head in my neck. When the boys came to pick me up I shushed them knowing she was falling asleep. She clung to me even in the car. They knew how sick she was. Walking to our dressing rooms, I finally could feel her grip loosen and her quiet steady breathing. Although it was almost time to go on, I continued to rock her in my arms like a small child. her face was flushed but still beautiful. She looked pale and sick but she still had her charm. Her soft hair was falling slightly out of the bun I had put in her hair but I didn’t care.

"I will never let you go"

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