Warmth - A Michael Clifford Imagine

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You and the band were all very close friends and, since your birthday was coming up, they had invited you to tag along for the show they were playing on your birthday. You agreed and, the night before, you stayed in the boys’ hotel with them. They had gotten a suite with two bedrooms, a living room, and small kitchen. Calum had somehow been made to sleep on the couch and, when it started to get late, you all headed to bed.

You were sharing your bedroom with Michael and, after you had changed, he came and got into his bed. He was asleep almost instantly but you were still awake almost two hours later. You felt weird not being in your bed, being so far away from home. Turning over on your side, you tried to wake Michael up.

"Mike. Mike! Gordon, wake up!"

He turned a couple of times, groaning. You had always called him Gordon when you were annoyed with him or wanted to bug him. He knew that and thought you were just messing around.

"What? What is it?" He asked. His forearm was covering his face and he peeked at you slightly through the crook of his elbow. 

"I can’t sleep…" You mumble. Michael sighs and moves over some in his bed, patting the space next to him.

"Come on."

You nodded and got out of your bed to join him. Just as you had gotten comfortable, you heard Michael groan.

"(Y/N), you’re hogging the blankets."

"Sorry." You tried to share but one of you would always complain about not having enough until finally, Michael pulled you closer to him, arm wrapping around your waist. You could feel his breath against your ear and you were surprised at how easily and how well your bodies fit together.

"There," he whispered. "Now we’ll both be warm."

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