"This is all too convincing" (Ashton Irwin Imagine)

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"Hey baby girl, how ya doing?" "Good, how are you?" "Fine, fine…hey are you busy right now, I really want to talk to you about something." "Uh yeah sure Ashton, talk away." He laughs, "Uh well I know you’ve seen that…account and-" "Which one?" "That exposing 5sos one." I laugh it off, "Oh yeah, sounds vaguely familiar." He sighs, "Baby, nothing you read on there is true okay? I’m in love with you and only you, and besides, its always just written posts, anyone can post and lie but they have no evidence…you know why? Because there is none." I smile faintly, "You’re so right Ashton, I love you." "I love you too baby." I yawn, "You gotta figure out the timezones though Ashton, its two in the morning." He curses, "Shit baby I thought it was only ten…I’m sorry." "Its fine, no worries, I love you though okay?" "I love you too." I grin widely, "Bye Ash." "Bye baby." "Night." "Night." I hang up my phone and put it on my bedside table and turn off my light, falling asleep quickly.

     I wake up the next morning and my phone is buzzing so much that it almost falls off my nightstand and I pick it up, seeing new updates from the ‘Exposing5sos’ page and I see Luke, more Luke and Michael and Cal, all bullshit written posts about how they fat-shamed some girl, but I dont believe it, I know them and they are completely 100% okay with any girl of any size. I scroll down until I see Ashton’s name in bold, “ASHTON LEAVES CLUB WITH GEMMA STYLES, DRUNK KISS PICS HERE" I scoff, clicking and expecting some spam thing but I see it, this photo, its grainy but its Ashton and some girl leaning against a car in each others arms and I feel myself choke up, coughing away the tears and I call Ashton, he picks up on the fifth ring, "Hello?" "How fucking dare you!" "Woah [Y/n]…baby what is it?" "You are such an ass, I trust you to stay faithful when you’re touring but you kiss Gemma what the fuck is your issue!?" "Baby what are you talking about? I havent seen Gemma since the beginning of the tour." "Well thats obviously bullshit, everything you say is lies isnt it? You choose her over me…" I sniffle and I feel tears running out of my eyes and he sighs, "Baby…I love you so much babygirl, you are my whole world, those photos are fake, I told you not to believe that site!" "We’re over Ashton…" "WHAT!?" "Dont call me again…bye." "Baby dont-" I hang up, sitting up in bed as I hide my eyes, wiping my eyes with my sleeves as I get up to try and have a normal day…I dont need him.

      Its been four weeks since the breakup, every morning I wake up to a text, its the same every morning, “Morning baby-girl, I love you to death sweet angel, finally figured out the times..I hope you forgive me soon. xx” His tweets are depressing now, dark and twisted, “She doesnt care and no one cares enough to listen…this world just isnt for me.” I just ignore it, I cant fall back to him as always, I dont need a man to be happy, I dont need anything. I walk around the house, every table seems to have a vase on it because of all the flowers Ashton sends me, always with the same note, “I love you so much, you’re my girl til the end, forever and a day. x” I sigh and I sit down on the couch, my phone buzzes again with a text from Ashton, “Look out the living room window and come outside.” I stand slowly, looking out the blinds and I see Ashton, standing right outside, his arms holding flowers and a giant stuffed bear and I sigh, this is going to be painful.

     I go outside and he runs to me, pulling me close, kissing all over my neck, “Baby! Fucking hell you look fit!” He squeezes me and I push him away, “Ashton this is weird…we broke up four we-” “I cant get over you.” “You have to.” “Oh and I got this for you too.” He pulls something out of his back pocket and hands it to me, I open it and I see the same grainy photo as the Gemma one, this time its just Ashton alone, leaning against a car and he looks as if he’s throwing up and I look up at him, “What is this supposed to mean?” “Baby…that photo was photoshopped, this is my proof.” He looks so hopeful and he kisses my nose, “Baby girl I love you.” “Ashton…I dont know…” “Believe me…please…” His eyes fill with tears, “I’m not okay without you…you’re my bestfriend, not just my girlfriend, you’re my bestfriend and I feel this hole in my heart…right here.” He points to his chest and he shakes his head, “We can try this again okay? You and I are unstoppable when we’re together.” He kisses my cheek, “So what do you say?” I blush and I look down at the ground, “Well…”

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