Michael Imagine -Videogames

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"MICHAEL SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL", you shouted as you watched your player fall to the floor. You heard a mischievous giggle come from beside you, "Sorry babe, but in this game I come first and there is no I’m letting my player get eaten by zombies. Gregory has potential, I can’t waste that", he said as he shanked another zombie. 

For the past three hours you and your boyfriend, Mikey, had been playing Call of Duty Zombies. “You’re not gonna survive without me, might as well chunk a grenade and revive me”, you said leaning back into the couch. You watched as he quickly contemplated the idea, “oh what the hell, but as soon as I revive you, you better have my back because they’re gonna be right behind me”. “Yeah, yeah, I’m not the one who leaves my better half to the dead so I can go get a new gun”, you said as you prepared to rejoin the game. 

A few more hours passed until your stomach started to rumble. “Damn, margaret if you wanted my love all you had to do was say so”, he teased, planting his lips on yours. You jokingly shoved him off, “Oh, shut it, Mikey”. He laughed, “Sooo, I’m thinking pizza”, he asked taking his phone out of his pocket. You nodded your head yesss “Pepperoni with”, but michael finished it for you “stuffed crust and cheese sticks”, he said smiling up at you. “Yeah, I’m gonna go pick a movie”, you said exiting the room and making your way to the movie bin. After some minutes you returned with, The Conjuring.

Michael raised an eyebrow, “you sure you’ll be able to handle that, Margaret. I don’t want you getting scared”. You nodded your head, “I’ll be fine, it’s just a movie. Besides, I always have you”. Michael nodded, “Damn right”, slipping his arm around you and pulling you into his chest.

It was 45 minutes in and you were already scarred for life, yeah you can play “scary” video games but when it came to movies, it was a whole different thing. “Margaret, if your scared I can turn it off”, he said as he readjusted his body to you hiding your head behind his back. “Umm..”,you began, beginning to feel ridiculous, “I’m okay”. Mikey chuckled “Babe, you don’t have to put your self through this. I’ll cuddle you right now and even sing to you, lets just turn it off okay”, he asked, stretching his hand towards the remote. “Thanks, Mikey”, you said. “Anything for you”, he replied.

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